I've seen a documentary stating things like:
-Gores graph linking Co2 to Earth's temperature is misleading, seeing as the Co2 had an 800 year lag behind Earth's temperature. They argued that it's BECAUSE of the change in Earth's temperature that the gas' abundance will change.
-The Earth's temperature has been fluctuating since we can remember, and that this is just another high and nothing to be worried about.
-The levels of Co2 in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing since long before the industrialization of nations was even starting (long before 1940).
-Theres such a small fraction of a percent of co2 in the atmosphere, and an even smaller fraction of that fraction is produced by humans (rotting vegetation produces more co2 than do factories).
I would like to hear supporters of this argument providing more examples of why this theory should remain just that, a theory, and not a fact.
PLEASE no supporters of the apposing arguments, you hippies have had your chance.