
Is human urine sterile?

by Guest32127  |  earlier

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When I served in the U.S. Navy, in boot camp, we were told that human urine is sterile and in an emergency, could be used to sterilize a serious wound. I told the same to a co-worker recently who adamantly disagreed.




  1. yes. unless you have some sort of like infection or maybe a disease???

  2. Yes and no. The beginning of the flow, when you start to urinate, takes with it bacteria from the urethra, cleaning the urethra but contaminating the urine. However mid flow urine IS sterile since the pathway has been cleaned, unless there is a kidney infection present. I have never heard of using urine to clean a wound but I guess it would be better than nothing. Just be sure not to use the initial few seconds of flow.

  3. If there is not an infection present in the bladder, kidneys or (for men) the prostate, then human urine is considered to be sterile.

  4. Human urine is not sterile, it contains the waste that ur body cannot not digest or absorb and if it re-enters ur body, it could hurt you really bad.

    Plus the o*****e (opening from urethra and out) is full of bacteria, so the urine gets those bacteria as well!!

  5. Normally, yes. There are a few people with asymptomatic bacteruria, and of course people do get infections, and it won't sterilize a wound, but it will decontaminate to a degree. Considering some of the places the military find themselves, it might be a better alternative than the local water.

  6. Yes, urine is sterile (assuming there is no underlying infection).

  7. urine is sterile but the urethera is not..

  8. Human urine is sterile as long as it is contained in an un-infected bladder.  

    As soon as it leaves the bladder, it is no longer sterile. The urethra and urethral opening contain plenty of bacteria.

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