
Is humor unique to humans?

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Are humans the only animals (for evolutionists)/creatures (for Creationists) that engage in laughing?




  1. of course they probably do, remember, we will never for sure know whats going on in a brain

  2. I am reading a book "Jennie" by Douglas Preston about a chimp that grew up in Massachusetts with a family.  It is a true story about one of the first chimps that learned sign language.   The book is a series of interviews of people who knew her, grew up with her as a brother and sister, and an anthropologists who trained her. She loves to play practical jokes.  She laughs.  She wants to play all the time.  She is really a remarkable little being that was more human than I would have thought possible.  There seemed to be nothing she liked more than to make people laugh.  I think she had a sense of humor.  I understand the the evidence for a sense of humor may be a little hard to prove but then again, it would be hard to prove for some humans too.  It may sound unbelievable, but she started hanging out with the wrong crowd, she and her rebellious human brother, and she started smoking pot and taking drugs.  She was said to the be the hippest of the hip (this was back in the 1960s).  The stoners loved to party with her.  As disturbing as this was, it was the part of the book that really makes her seem most human to me.  Then I have to think that gorillas and orangs are probably in the same boat.  And maybe some Whales and dolphins, and elephants.....

  3. there is no way of finding this out, but, I would assume that it is not.

  4. Hey, do you see dogs and cats histericly laughing?????

  5. I don't think dogs try to tell jokes.

  6. NO

  7. If one is to believe that teasing is humorous, then my Dog most certainly has a sense of humor.  Everything from hide-n-go-seek with toys we are playing with, or even himself!!!

    And I am sure I see a smile in there once in a while!

    I have also witnessed, many a times, a relatives cats playing tricks on their dog.  It almost seems like they have been working on the idea all day, until night falls and all the fun begins.  That poor dog.......

  8. No. The only other animal that finds humor and laughs is the hyena. They think everything is hilarious.

  9. Well, the knock-knock joke is uniquely human.

    Although I'd say primates most certainly understand and have humor - you can see chimps smile, or baby gorillas playing jokes on each other.

    And my personal experience also suggests animals like dogs at cats with a long history of developing with humans also exhibit humor. My dog definitely engages in games and play with me.

  10. the hyenas off of the lion king

  11. I know animals engage in humor. My cat loves to hide behind the door and wait for my dog to walk by to jump out and scare the heck out of her, then the cat takes off running through the house trying to get the dog to chase her, "that's humor", and you can tell the cat is having a ball.

    Laughing out loud, I don't know. I like to think that there's at least one out there, maybe laughing at us.

  12. well look how dolphines play and whales,  monkeys  so it seems like there is

  13. Good question! I know that chimps can smile, other primates probably can too. I've seen videos where monkies push each over and stuff, seemingly for fun, so they may have a sense of humor, but not able to laugh the way we do.

  14. i have seen primates with emotions. they laugh just like we do

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