
Is hunting for sport wrong? How could it not be wrong?

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Someone who finds pleasure in shooting innocent creatures should really see a therapist.




  1. If you eat all the food that you kill, that is right.

    all the food that you eat, is because they was killed.<}:-})

  2. Yes hunting for sport is wrong.

    Why would anyone want to go out and kill an innocent creature just to cut off its head to hang on their wall and leave the rest of the animal to lay there and rot away?

    Hunting by ancient people was done for a source of food and clothing, and for making tools from the bones. They had a use for the entire animal, nothing was ever wasted.

  3. that's true i love shooting but only clay pigeons

  4. Animals kill animals.

    We're all part of the Animal Kingdom.

    We all use everything at our disposal.

    Only difference.. most animals hunt to survive and Humans hunt for fun.

    I only believe in hunting for food and if it's necessary to lower a rapidly increasing species. (Like some fish that destroy The Great Barrier Reef)

  5. Yes, I agree with you totallly. There is no reason to kill an innocent animal. Especially just for FUN. It's immoral. People are even starving right now, and you think it's FUN to kill animals and leave them there? Your not saving a pack of endangerd vulchers- so don't kill the animals!! Vulchers have plenty to eat, and enough food is wasted already. It's just a pointless excuse for murder.

  6. you can't say sh*t.. in my opinion if you do as much as drive a car you have no right to talk about preservation.. seriously

  7. Agreed.

    Many crazies out there.

  8. to keep in practice for when politician season opens

  9. Not really... i personally only hunt for food, but by hunting for sport animal populations (white tail deer, squirrel, rabbit, etc) are kept in check so that over breeding doesn't occur. This is why we have to register, and  

    why we have there are laws in place. I am FIRMLY against poaching

    -If you don't approve of hunting you have obviously never done it, most animals don't really suffer, its a pretty quick death. Not all rednecks will just go willy nilly and kill everything, every hunter i know is responsible, and does actually care about the animal. What you see on the news is just a bad rep, and does not happen often, i love to hunt, and i love the thrill, but i have respect for the animal and i won't kill it if i dont have a clean shot.

    -its amazing how many of you think that we hunters just kill the animal and leave it to die? Thats wrong, even when it gets mounter the meat is still used 90% of the time, no hunter in their right mind would kill and just leave it there, unless it was sick, and starving... do some research people...

  10. It is wrong but it is right. We are all animals and killing is in our nature. However, they are innocent and helpless whereas we are more dominant than them. If they killed one of your family would it be right? No.

    Blame technology. But at the same time there is nothign wrong with it because like I said it is in our NATURE TO KILL...

  11. Get a grip.  It's a legitimate sport.  I think a hunter should eat what they kill; but, free-range animals have a better life then the chicken and cows we eat from the store!

  12. I believe in hunting, just not for sport.

    What "Sport" is in killing an animal that stands no chance of defending itself against a gun?

    Now, hunting for food is different. If you eat the animal you are hunting, then it is not a waste. Many poor people around the world including the U.S. have to hunt in order to feed their families because food is so expensive.

  13. have you ever watched deer starve to death in the winter?  or have you ever seen a deer hit by a car, and writhe on the side of the road before it dies a painful death?  I think not.

    hunting is used for population control, and most of us eat what we shoot, and do our best to make "one shot, one kill", we should all be so lucky to go out so quickly and quietly, now quiet down, hippie

  14. You are ridiculously correct! How in the world could you get pleasure from watching creatures suffer? It is barbaric and insane and depressing.

  15. I dont like it at all and I dont see the "joy" in it. Now for eating, thats different

  16. I like to hunt for food not for sport and to shoot something just to have it hanging on the wall is so stupid and wasteful! When P.E.T.A. can teach the lions and bears to be vegetarians, then I'll be one, but until then go away!




    2 EAT



  18. So, then, you don't actually * have * a question.   You simply wish to grace the site with your alleged superiority.

  19. well im a vegetarian so yea, i think its absolutely disgusting

  20. Yes, I think it's wrong to take pleasure in killing.  I see nothing wrong with hunting for food though.  I think meat eaters should do a little hunting to see that meat doesn't just magically appear all wrapped up in the supermarket.

  21. The only way I see 'sport' in hunting would be if there was some way

    to get the animal which is being hunted have a rifle or shot gun and be able to use it in order to make the rules even.  A game where the rules are not even is not a game, it's a matter of survival and as Darwin pointed out, it is survival of the fittest.  Moral of the story, Hunting is not a true sport!

  22. There are two ways that I do not see hunting as wrong.

    1.  If it is for food.  (Even if there is a thrill from it for them)

    2.  If they donate the meat to the needy (Even if there is a thrill from it for them)

    **I come from a long line of hunters (for food and sport) and went once.  I got no thrill out of killing my own food.

    jenna...they do not get pleasure from the animal suffering.  Part of the sport is a lethal shot, and if they do not get a deadly shot, they immediately go up and put the animal out of its misery, so your argument is not relevatn here.

    James...I do have a friend who will not kill the animal if he cannot kill it with his hands.  He will wait in a tree for days for a deer to come under his tree, then he will pounce and break its neck.  He has been gored twice and had several broken bones has only killed 4 deer in about 15 years of hunting, but would you fault him?

  23. Sportshunting and -fishing helps keeping the numbers down, like it or not. If we didn't do it for sport, someone had to do it for money.

  24. I don't advocate killing animals, but to answer your question objectively, hunting for sport is mandated and regulated by local governments when certain species over breed.  If the population outgrows the food source, animals will starve.  It is the more humane option.  If people would not develop rural areas for residential and commercial purposes, it would cut down on the need significantly.

  25. I would have to agree.

  26. Yes!You are right!It`s not a sport!

    Animals have right to live,just as we do.

    Would it be ok,if someone kills people for sport?no,he goes to jail!

    And so should hunters.

    I`m really into animals,I`m vegetarian,and I`m strongly dissuporting hunting!

  27. How do you define "for sport?"

    What looks like sport to you, may actually be the hunter's desire to help control deer overpopulation, which causes needless suffering for the deer, and can take human lives as well from automobile-deer crashes. Every game animal that is hunted legally is actually better off and benefits from responsible wildlife management. Poachers are lower than pond scum, so don't even bother lumping their filth in with real hunters. Every real hunter I know is a conservationist, with a deep respect for and love of the natural world.

    The whole "suburban sprawl" argument about animal-human conflict doesn't hold water. Deer populations keep growing and expanding, even in some populated areas that have been developed for 100+ years.

    Deer cause over $1.6 billion in auto insurance claims annually. It is estimated without hunting this could more than double in one year.

    If you are a vegetarian, don't be too quick to jump on a high horse: the farm where your food was grown paid a hunter to keep the deer from destroying the farmer's entire crop.

    Are your car insurance premiums reasonable? Thank a hunter.

    Did you eat anything containing ingredients that are plant-based? Thank a hunter.

    Since there are currently no methods more effective, economically feasible, or humane than hunting to control overpopulated wildlife, hunting remains the best choice. The vast majority of hunters either use the meat, or donate it to charity, FYI.

  28. I hunt and fish for sport, but I eat what I kill and catch.

    I LOVE MEAT! Yummy!

  29. Hunting is not wrong. Hey if you don't like it don't do it. Hunting controls the populations. Some would just starve in the winter if they were not hunted.  

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