
Is iTunes Radio free? I used it and when it said 8 streams or whatever I thought I might be charged for it?

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Is iTunes Radio free? I used it and when it said 8 streams or whatever I thought I might be charged for it?




  1. You will know if it's free or not by whether or not you have to give them your credit card number or some other means of payment in order to access it.  Every internet business I know of is smart enough to get paid up front.

  2. I believe you would love "Yahoo Launch-cast" more as a on-line radio. Not for database, for quality and for customizable of ones taste of musics.

  3. Yes its free. "streams" are how many stations are "streaming" (playing live in real time).

  4. yep! it should be, but i use Lime Wire

    P.S. I don't download "anything" It's "illegal"!!!!!

  5. yes its free, i listen to it alot

  6. Yea Its Free I Use It All The Time

  7. Yea its 100% free dont worry.

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