
Is ice cream okay to feed my cat? ?

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My cat loves ice cream. When we get some, he wants it, so i let him l**k it off. is this okay for him?




  1. The harm in feeding your cat ice cream is that it has sugar in it.  Cats don't eat sugar in nature and have a hard time processing it.  Sugar is an anti-nutrient, that means it does more harm than good.  I'm sure you could give your cat a l**k or 2, but not very often.  

  2. Really?  Ice cream?  No it's not good for your kitty.  In addition to runny poo, he'll start to expect human food.  Then annoy you every time you eat anything.  But mostly runny poo.  And if he doesn't sit right, runny poo on leg then carpet then bed etc.  Not fun, have had this happen (poo and begging).  Give him a pouncer treat instead, they love those!

  3. THEY CAN NOT HAVE CHOCOLATE. this will kill or poison most animals. my cats love vanilla though. i had a cat who ate pepporoni pizza.  

  4. a few licks of ice cream wont hurt him i wouldnt spoon the stuff into his dish and let him go at it though. a taste here and there should be fine. a little upset stomach will most likely be the only result.

  5. Whomever gave the "what's the problem" answer is entirely wrong.

    Milk is not good for cats. It causes diarrhea because cats have a hard time processing its composition. It can cause intestinal complications as well. It's no better for a dog than it is for a cat and you may wind up taking your cat to a veterinary clinic after sharing this dessert with him.

    There's a reason for "kitty treats", buy these instead. They're less likely to cause your pet discomfort and sickness.

  6. A small l**k(as long as isn't chocolate) should not cause any harm, but don't let him have too much or it could give him an upset stomach.

  7. my dog looooves icecream and i don't think it would hurt a cat either, i mean it's just milk, ice, and flavoring mostly right? whats the harm in that?

  8. Ice cream has lot's of sugar in it so I don't think that you should try to feed it to your cat. It could cause a stomach ache or maybe something worse.  

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