
Is if fair to expect your partner to provide you with all of life's happiness?

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How do you deal with someone who puts that kind of responsibilty on you and feels that things aren't working because you are not constantly making them feel good about themselves.




  1. No one should be 100% responsible for someone else's happiness.  Personal happiness is one's own responsibility.

  2. It is not fair, in my opinion. Ask them to remember what made them happy before they met you. Do they have any hobbies or other interests? It's important for the person to value him/herself first & be able to make themselves happy. Then, others can both contribute happiness to the relationship.  

  3. Does your partner have depression or something like that? If so, try to do the best you can. But if that is too much responsibility for you, try to take some time off, you know, 'go in separate directions' for a while. [but still stay married!] If it really gets to the point of where your going to have to get a divorce, then I'm afraid your going to have to consider it. Try to make them feel good as much as you possibly can! If he starts complaining, talk about it with him. Try to explain that your not a superhero! You can't make him feel good ALL the time!

    Try getting him a hobby, too, if it helps.

  4. When you love someone you should want them to feel happy about themselves everyday!

  5. WOW. Did you marry this person? I sure hope not. Thats a recipe for disaster in my opinion. I don't think a person can ever win trying to constantly make there significant other happy. It causes to much stress.  

  6. Love isn't perfect, there are going to be days when both people in said relationship are going to feel crappy.  But those are generally reasons outside the relationship itself - e.g. work commitments, family/friends/ well-meaning but very ill-informed advisors.  Generally, though (at least in my experience) unless illness is involved, then making each other feel good should come as natural - if it becomes a one sided affair (which seems to be the case here), perhaps it is one sided, unrequited love?  My advice would be to sit down and talk it out... if not, write a letter if you find you cannot talk - though any relationship where talking is awkward can sometimes mean trouble.

    Hope this helps, good luck!

  7. with a good partner you try to do whatever you can to have them happy they should do the same but you still tell them that there are things in your life that you sill like and these things you will not change

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