
Is ignoring really the best way to deal with aggressive, persistent loud and vulgar people?

by  |  earlier

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or do you recommend anything else to keep them away from you for good?




  1. that is the best way. But if it gets too much one should tell them what they really are.

  2. get yourself a gun & go round there all "tooled up" & show em who's boss luv...... kick em in the nuts & tht el teach em

  3. That's one way.

    If that doesn't work, I would fight fire with fire. They may not realise how loud and unpleasant they are to be around until someone is loud, aggressive and vulgar towards them.

  4. That's a good question, I think. Answer: Not always. Certain groups will gang up on you and not let up. My advice is to leave the area immediately, while gaining contact with civilized people. If you keep well aware of your surroundings when at certain "urban" areas you can  minimize this possibility. Carrying mace or a tazer is also a good practice for females.  

  5. Depends on what you mean by 'ignoring'.  If it's ignoring someone from a distance, then yes - it tends to work rather well.  But if it's ignoring someone who's still close to you, then it's hard to mentally tune them out.  (You can look like you're ignoring them, but still be suffering from what they're doing.)  Putting some space between yourself and them will be much more effective, if you can.

  6. Yes I think so, It is the best attitude , you will send them a good message saying that they r nothing and worthless

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