
Is illegal Immigration Important to YOU?

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A new Rasmussen Poll indicates that over 70% of voters think that it is more important to fix the borders and stop illegal immigration than it is to legalize Illegals now in the US.

Whay say YOU?

Please let us knw if you wish to opine...and NO BLOVIATING!....'cause thats my job!




  1. Yes, it is and the Do Nothing Congress has done Nothing except attempt to write sneaky Lesislation to allow it to continue.  E Verify Works and they tried to get rid of it!  How many Americans have been hurt or injured or lost their lives Because Illegals can slip out of reach and few are prosecuted!

    The House Way and Means Committe, needs to Investigate every last legislator and the Lobbyists that continue to push for Open Borders and Prosecute them!

    Both Obama and McCain Had Better Understand that Fact Bill!  Many States are cutting them off from social services and education or Employment.  Does anybody ever Stop to think that because they are Illegal, they are turned into Slaves by unscuplulous employers  Does anybody Stop to think, that since  they are Not checked, they are placing the General population at risk for diseases that Had been eradicated?

    In order to maintain Sovereingty of a Nation, you have to Know who people are for the sake of Security and people Not being taken advantage of on both sides.  They have pushed honest people to the back of the line unfairly, who do it the right way.  They want to silence those who are honest and change the United States into a Third World nation, with no Equity or Fairness for Legal Citizens, with Open Border Policies that in the Long Run will take Rights away from Legal Citixens of the United States.

  2. no

  3. Fix the borders and use the illegals as slave labor before deporting them back.

  4. Bill; to me the issue of illegal immigration is the most important issue affecting our Country at this time.  Last year an illegal alien  mur dered my Son.  This was in illegal known in the community by the police.  He was a known gang banger, a known dr ug dealer and a known domestic abuser as well as being known as an illegal alien.  My Government turned it back and let us all down by not taking action, by not enforcing the laws on the books and this man was left to bring evil into our community until he brought the ultimate evil and murd erd my Son.  He became one of the Thousands of Citizens and non Citizens alike that have been killed as a direct cause of this issue.  Over 10 times as many that have been killed in the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars combined over the same time period.  This issue affects every person in the U. S. negatively as not only have thousand given their lives only to be betrayed by their own government but millions upon millions are harmed each and every year due to this issue and the betrayal of our own Government that is suppose to protect us from any foreign threat.

  5. Yes.  I agree completely.  If there were to be amnesty, I would vote against everyone who supported it, regardless of party.  

  6. Yes----my role model Ann Coulter does come up with some mighty fine ideas----yes----illegal immigration is important to right-thinking individuals. Let us not forget that breaking our laws to gain entry is often not the end of their criminal career here---as evidenced by recent news of repeat offenders killing innocent victims in DUI's and in other crimes as well----safe harbor cities that refuse to turn illegals over to authorities should have any federal monies revoked.

    I know Mexican people who have become citizens through correct channels often times are against illegal immigration also----and rightly so----this is their country also and they care about doing the right thing for our nation.

  7. Yes it must be stopped, Bush has done nothing to stop this in last 8 years. He made terrorist list to punish 4 year old kids, and legal immigrants but left the borders open for thousands of illegals (and possible terror attack).

  8. Not particularly. Freedom and all that.

  9. Illegal Immigration, The War In Iraq, and domestic energy development are the three most important topic coming to the table in this prolonged election process. The hot button is now gas prices and drilling, having seen some slow progress on the governments attempts to fix the borers and build some fences!

    Illegals are still streaming across the border, creating and worsening the inherent problems too many of these people bring with them.

    It is very important to me, and McCain's move to the right on this issue has greatly helped me to support him this November!

  10. Yes. I live in Tucson, AZ.  I can see firsthand how big a problem it is.

  11. Yea, considering that every year they smuggle hundreds of tons of illegal narcotics across the border, I have wondered and speculated very much as to how/why the terrorist haven't managed to sneak Weapons of Mass Destruction across our border any day of their choosing over the last seven years. It's probably because they don't have their hands on any real WMD's yet.

    I think that our border concerns definitely need to be addressed, but I believe that nothing has been done over the last seven years (and more) because illegal immigrants are a large commodity to corporations, which are closely associated with high ranking government officials. Corporations see illegal immigrants as 'virtual slaves', because they are not obligated to pay them a minimum wage since they are not legal US citizens, which lets corporations rake in billions of dollars in profit every year without any fear of worker reprisal, since they can't even form or join unions (giving them virtually no workers rights or entitlements, forcing them to live and work under the businesses' terms and conditions using otherwise illegal methods of intimidation and other various means).

    So you can sleep well at night, and rest assure that these people with big pockets that reap in tremendous profits off the backs of illegals', will do everything in their power to influence politicians away from securing the borders through miscellaneous means such as political contributions, favors, and so forth.

  12. Illegal immigration is very important to me.  I agree with the 70%.

  13. Someone has to make those big rubber dil dos you have.

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