
Is impeachment on the table again?

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Congress Hears Ringing Call for Impeachment

Submitted by davidswanson on Fri, 2008-07-25 03:52.

* Congress

* Impeachment

By David Swanson

The House Judiciary Committee today, Friday, July 25th, will put impeachment squarely back "on the table" and restored to its prominent place in our Constitution.

Elliott Adams, President of Veterans for Peace, and a descendant of American revolutionary Sam Adams, will deliver this prepared testimony, in which, if his 5 minutes allow him to reach his conclusion, he will say:




  1. Yes, impeachment should be on the table. That is the right thing for our Democrat led Congress to do when they should be working on high fuel prices, foreclosures, bank failures, social security, and high food prices. Yes, impeachment is the answer. That is time well spent.

  2. Oh how I wish but it isn't going to happen.

  3. i think its a little too late for all this drama. i dont like DUBYA but his term is basically over so get over it dems

  4. I don't think what Pelosi and Reid have done is criminal. They are just trying to get a Dem elected at the tax payers expense

  5. Why not? The Pelosi/Reid Congress has done nothing since in power except waste everyone's time and money with useless non-binding resolutions. Why not waste some more time and money for no reason at all. They could secure their legacy as the most useless Congress in history, they already have the record for the lowest approval ratings. Go for the gold!


  7. Sure, it would be fun for the Bush and Cheney defense teams to subpoena various Democratic leaders and make them testify. :)

  8. Aside from the feeble attempts by Dennis Kucinich, impeachment as never been "on the table".  Kucinich makes Ron Paul appear sane.

  9. I hope Justice is served, and this whole administration is punished, but it's a little late to do any good....they have been given free reign to destroy anything they please for almost 8 years, and just now 6 months before the idiot leaves office they decide to get balls and do something! I guess late is better than never, but this should have been done in the jack@sses first term, politicians all are pieces....but I am all for bush & cronies being impeached!

  10. Yes, but only one problem:  You need an impeachable offense.

  11. after watching the reasons supported by evidence, is it an investigation of the Congressional Powers off Impeachment query or an investigation of an impeachment process silenced by Congress....

    This is brought up in the;...

    Both Republicans and Democrats want an answer - as to who hindered the process, so yeah, Congress is virtually self serving and has no will to face this Administration. Remember, both parties of solid materiele want answers - outnumbered by those who want an impeachment dead on its tracks.

  12. absolutely.....

  13. Well if they want to Impeach Bush than congress should impeach themselves at the same time for there incompetence.

  14. The president and his advisors repeatedly proffered in speeches and public appearances discredited information and hyped rhetoric linking Iraq to terrorism and 9/11. "Weapons of mass destruction" figured most prominently in arguing to the American people that there was an absolute necessity for ending UN inspections and waging a preemptive attack upon Iraq. This unsubstantiated argument was so persuasive that by the time the invasion began, fully 72 percent of the American public believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11, without a shred of credible evidence to support such a claim.

    Now we are engaged in counting the dead, assessing blame, looking at huge financial burdens, and considering the ongoing loss of young American lives in an unwelcome occupation of Iraq. What is becoming increasingly clear is that if the president and his closest advisors knowingly lied in making the case for a preemptive war based on Iraq constituting an imminent threat to the security of the United States, this is assuredly an impeachable offense of the highest order of magnitude, manifestly greater than the constitutional abuses of d**k Nixon or the sexual lying of Bill Clinton.

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