
Is impossibility impossible?

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Such as the thought that free energy is impossible.




  1. Technically, yes. At least, the way we currently define most of the universe is in terms of improbability.

    If you look at quantum mechanics, it's all done in terms of probability. Particle location cannot be determined exactly, so fields of probability are mathematically derived to say where the particle is. And technically, there are minuscule probabilities that a given electron could exist anywhere in the universe at any given time.

    But some of those tiny probabilities are so close to zero, that they are effectively impossible. It is effectively impossible for one of your electrons to appear in the Alpha Centauri star system. Likewise, "free energy" is, according to the laws of thermodynamics, not completely impossible. It is so improbable, however, that it is effectively impossible.

  2. impossibility is only a state of mind, someones perspective

  3. It all depends on your perspective. We live in a universe of increasing entropy. We can't win, break even, or get out of the game. Depressing, huh?

    On the other hand, we live in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of nuclear power plants, and right next door to one that's good for billions more years. Energy crisis? Huh?

  4. Some things are impossible.

    In quantum physics, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, formulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925, states that no two identical fermions may occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. It is this property of matter that prevents two particles from occupying the same space at the same time. Otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting ON your chair, but your atoms would be part OF the chair.

  5. Everything is possible! If it's not possible now, it'll be possible later :3

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