
Is impossible that at one point in time a high intelligence sat down and figured out...?

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how to create heaven and Earth using the infinite powers of known and unknow physics and science in 6 days. NO IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Given enhough time anything is possible.




  1. You seem to be convinced you know the answer -- so not sure why you felt the need to post in the Physics section.

    If there was a creator, that creation occurs outside the laws of physics -- indeed you could say that such a creator created the laws of physics, and set the universe in motion.

    But, such is the realm of faith and religion, not science.  

    Science's job is to understand the laws of physics -- not to speculate as to why those laws exist.  

    As you point out, if you want to imagine a time before anything else existed, then anything is possible in your imagination -- a bearded old man, a flying plate of spaggetti, or a bubbling sea of quantum energy.  

    If anything is indeed possible, then all theories of creation are valid, and and therefore it is meaningless to discuss them.  Science tries to understand what came after.

  2. Why are you asking this question if you answer it yourself? Surely it is not impossible, but I don't see what time has to do with anything. If a being is infinitely powerful, time should not be a factor.  

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