
Is incest in the royal family the reason for prince charles' big ears?

by  |  earlier

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just popped into my head lol.





  1. It the one time most royal families were descendants of Queen Victoria.. a lot of them are nuts or have big ears and big noses...and most of pretty ugly too...

  2. Not incest.  That would be s*x between members of the same nuclear family...parents on children...okay...too gross!

    inbreeding...mating too closely within bloodlines, and, yes.  Probably so...the big ears, thin lips, small, beady eyes set too close together.  Interesting that Andrew is so much more attractive...Hmmm.

  3. No.

    Charles has Big Ears 'cos Noddy wont pay the ransom.

  4. you are now leading on points as the plonker of the month.

  5. Princess Margarte called them Windosr Flappers. then are regard as a family trade mark. but not cause my incest which happens when close relative marry. This is more inbredding

  6. I don't know. But you know what they say about big ears. My aunt swears it's true. 2D

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