
Is india a modern country?

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Is india a modern country?




  1. Depends on which place in India you go!

    There are big cities which have all the things that a big city in USA will have ( plus bad traffic and too many people :) )

    we have boradband internet, malls, McDonalds and pizza hut , multiplex theaters etc

    And there are poor little villages which do not even have electricity..

    SO really it depends where you go!

  2. In every aspect I think India is a modern country. Here you can find any facilities like advanced countries if you have money. There are big Shopping Malls, multiplexes and everything you want. But it also depends upon the place that where u are in India.

  3. yes...the cities are...You can go clubbing, to the malls, bars, pubs, restaurants, movie theaters...Many middle class Indians (420 million and growing) work either in the computer engineering, business of pharmaceutical field...Many work in information technology and info sys..India is growing fast!!! With 36 billionaires and 100,000 millionaires, India is starting to become a country to reckon with!

  4. If you consider USA as a modern country then India has to be modern.

  5. From my point of view (that of a tourist) India is by no means a modern country.

    Of course, big cities are big cities and they are modern in some parts (esp. Bangalore and Mumbai), but there are also huge slums. If we're talking about a coutnry as a whole, forget what's on the news all the time about IT business and stuff. You must face the ubiquitous dirt, pollution and overpopulation. Everywhere you go there are beggars (mostly kids and handicapped) and cows (and their droppings).

    I think India is a fascinating country but simply not yet a modern country in a sense that you cannot compare the living standards to any country in e.g. Europe.

  6. Its a country with a mixture of old and modern

  7. India is blend of both. Modern and ancient.You have the most modern technology /most modern education / most modern medical facility in india.

    If you go to the interiors you get the ancient culture in temples, mosques and churches. You also will get people actually practising their culture which is thousands of years old.

    So india is a great country.

  8. it all depends on where you go darlin, the north is as different from the south as canada is from africa.  But as far as modern goes id say mostly, for example, you can get cell reception virtually anywhere, but rarely will you find a house phone, or a lan-line.

  9. Yes it is!! you will be very surprised at how modern it is!!...just try watching some of the new Bollywood movies. They are bringing in more and more western ideas together (which is kind of bad)...but neway...ya it is modern.

  10. Ofcourse, it's modern country...a fastly developing country..

    and become one of the worldpower before 2020

    But still some places are not yet fully developed,

    To get an idea about India and it's details, go through the below website

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