
Is india satisfied with one gold medal?

by Guest59885  |  earlier

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  1. The typical Indian countryman doesn't really get into sports as much as they do academics.  Other than cricket nothing is popular over there, and I agree with you, for a country with the second biggest population, 1 gold medal in the last 20 years isn't going to cut it. Get with the program guys!!!! Even commie China can do a few neat little tricks and they're only 5'1" on the average.  

  2. they want more big time

  3. Definetely not... I'm Indian...I'm very happy for Abhinav, but what I do NOT like is the whole country taking credit for it. Abhinav Bindra has won a gold medal...Good but why on earth are we (India) taking credit for it? We should have better atheletes, better training facilities and better coaches.

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