
Is indian atta a whole wheat ? (product )?

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i recently heard of the evils of refined foods .. bein an indian - roti and chapati is a staple diet . plz help




  1. Atta is the Hindi word for a kind of wheat flour commonly used in South Asian cooking. It is a whole wheat flour made from hard wheat. Hard wheats have a high protein content, so doughs made out of atta flour are strong and can be rolled out very thin. Breads made from atta flour include chapati, roti, and puri.

    It is obtained when the complete wheat grains are ground to get flour from which nothing is removed. It is creamy/brown in colour and relatively coarse compared with flour. Since there are no removals from atta, all the constituents of the wheat grain are preserved.

    Traditionally, atta is made by stone grinding, a process that imparts a characteristic aroma and taste to the bread. High bran content of Atta makes it a fiber-rich food.

  2. yes

  3. Yes it is!

  4. of course it is. but just be careful while shopping. coz people might think that you are talking bout maida, which is made in rumali roti. and if u dont know what maida is, all i can tell u that its not good for health.

    hope i helped

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