
Is inhaling helium dangerous?

by Guest58257  |  earlier

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I was at a party shop and asked the lady at the counter for an untied helium balloon. She looked at me like I was some kind of punk and said, "I know what you're going to do with it. Now that you've asked, I'm not allowed to sell it to you."

I guess it's a company policy, but she acted like I had done something wrong, like I had just asked her for cocaine. I thought helium was perfectly safe and there's nothing wrong with taking a few breaths to get a funny voice. Why would the company refuse to allow me to inhale helium? Is it dangerous? What risks am I taking when I inhale helium from balloons?




  1. The only danger lies in that you can suffocate on it by not getting enough oxygen to your lungs.

  2. That's not right. How could she 'assume'

    Anyway, like anything else it can crowd out your source of O2 if you are only breathing in He for a long time. The cells need oxygen for energy conversion.

    Your body needs balance

  3. Helium is a noble gas. Therefore it does not react at all (only xenon reacts). It may have some qualities that increase the pitch of your voice, but it will not at all kill you. or be dangerous. at all.

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