
Is inner peace really a tangible probability when faced with all the chaos of the world?

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based on a contact's inner struggle?

i say that inner peace is something that can be achieved, and held and still face all the conflicts of day to day living....just with a little more faith!

what are your views?




  1. i think inner peace is like...everything. we're like actors on this stage named earth, and we are to play the role rightfully. even the greatest part on stage are meaningless if the character is messed up. and when you die, you're not still not going to bring anything from this world but yourself in the end.. ..your heart and soul.  

  2. In a martial arts style called "Xing Yi" , they teach you to be in a state of mind known as "Wuji". Or "neutral mind". You are nor against nor with anything. Nothing can pull you from your center of being. Everything around you is only particles that do not matter for the moment. If we all had a mental state like this for 30 minutes a day......alot of stress would be releived.

  3. Inner Peace is the only tangible probability in front of all the chaos of the world.

  4. I agree with you! And yes it is a tangible probability.

    Inner peace is definitely something we're all capable of.. Conflicts are bound to come, and perhaps it is when this inner peace we have is pushed aside.  

  5. In my view, inner peace is the very thing that gets us through the minutia and chaos of each day. Our touch within ourselves. Inner peace is the thought within the mind that days will get better sometime in the future and that we all can live through the c**p anticipating that day.

    We use it on a daily basis, just some of us are more in tune with it, and use it to "reset" our disposition in order to prepare us for more of the same...

  6. *Floating unscathed in an ocean of chaos.*

    Patience is to faith, as the head is to the body.

    Sever the head and the body dies.  (Tangible)

    Sever the patience and the faith dies also.  (Intangible)


    Faith is the lifeline that a human being must hold onto.

    If this is done it will lead to contentment, for it is through contentment that the doors are opened to "Inner Peace".

    "Peace be always with you."

  7. When more chaos surrounds you, more inner peace you need to adchieve in order to survive.

  8. This is possible only in true lovers

  9. Is it obtainable because of it, in the absence of chaos, there would exist no mandate for peace.

  10. This is so true.  Love, honey

  11. Yes, inner peace is necessary for balance. When there is harmony within then one can view the world with harmony also.You've heard the saying "to be in the world but not of it" well that's a good example.

    Just my thoughts.

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