
Is insanity a prerequisite when applying for a job in local government ?

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Or is it just that only the loonies apply anyway ?




  1. I would think any government office, federal, state or local.  If you're devoid of ambition and thrive on mere existence, government is the place to be.  It's like being a turtle - only less demanding.

  2. I wouldn't say it was a prerequisite but it is definitely an advantage. Only the clinically insane could walk in to a local government office and think that they could make it better.  

  3. i thought being a pedantic jobsworth were all the skills you needed to work in local government, as well as having an unfounded superiority complex.

  4. Definately .......the worse you are the higher you will go.

  5. In the interests of Diversity, Councils now have a quota of the Clinically Insane to fulfil.

  6. Maybe...combined with connections, laziness, the "amazing" ability to mumble only, never speak properly or clearly, and the idea that doing more than one thing at a time is unheard of and certainly way too much to ask of these employees.

    Fun fact: I had an interview for a good local gov't. job. It was paying very well and actually required people and verbal skills, or so I thought....except they chose a woman who arrived dressed like she was going to a party or maybe just her own party, had no command of the English language, and did not have a resume with her-but she had a family member who works there and BINGO-she was in. I feel so sorry for the people she has to help every day....

  7. Boy I hope so!!! I have a pre-screening interview on Thursday for one of these jobs. I feel like I have gone insane just from doing a job search for so long and nothing else. I have done things around my house and I have tried to keep my brain active, but even this morning when I woke up I thought to myself that my brain felt like mush. So maybe that is a good sign that I will be able to get this job!!!

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