
Is insomnia common in early pregnancy?

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Is insomnia common in early pregnancy?




  1. Yes! The first week or so after I found out I was pregnant, so around the fifth week of pregnancy I so could not sleep. I still wake up about two or three times a night and I am 14 weeks.

  2. I didnt get it till about 5 months, having many problems sleeping. I had a few times early on but I think it was just from so much going on in my head. It wasnt a planned pregnancy so I had a lot of worry on my mind and that kept me from sleeping.  

  3. yes and will get worse later on your pregnancy...this is due to the fact that even your sleeping or trying to sleep, your baby is busy developing and his/her metabolism is speeding up to catch up to that development...

  4. YES!!! that is exactly how I found out I was prego!! I would stay up for hours on end not being able to fall asleep. It sucked. I would stay up until 4 in the morning until I started to get tired and I was used to being in bed by 10. Finally after about a week of it i went to the doc and they gave me a urine test and told me i was prego. Now i'm 32 weeks!! Due in october  :)    

  5. I am 38 weeks pregnant, and I still haven't had a good night sleep since we conceived... i say it is our body preparing us for having a baby to care for throughout the night.... :)    

  6. Yes, it can be.  Although every pregnancy is different for everyone.  I couldn't get any sleep in my 1st trimester.. slept wonderfully in my 2nd... now that I'm 33 weeks I can't sleep again!

  7. Yes!  I was exhausted all the time but had such a hard time falling and staying asleep!  Mostly in the first trimester....we'll see if it comes back in the 3rd!

  8. Absolutely! I just found out today that I am 5 1/2 weeks, and the last few days, I have been going to sleep around 4 a.m. and sleep til around 11! It can be torture, because I can't stay sleep either.  

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