
Is instant karma going to get you? Does it exist, or is it all in our heads?

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As in:

- I laugh at you for something you did. A minute later, I fall on my face.

- You patiently let me merge. In a crowded parking lot a few minutes later, you immediately get a spot close to the door.




  1. Karma, like all beliefs, is not based on any scientific evidence or philosophical reasoning.  It is just a variety of the concept of fate with a twist of automated revenge.  Part of the problem with the idea of karma that makes it a belief, is that it is open ended in regards to when the punishment occurs.  Now, 5 minutes later, after death in what you are reborn as?  It is a natural consequence of the belief in reincarnation, which also is a belief and cannot be verified.

    Karma is about as valid as predicting the future with a crystal ball.

  2. INSTANT karma?  No such thing.  That's just not how it works.  What you are describing is coincidence, not karma.

  3. Well, honestly, karma only works one way - if you do something it will come back on you.  Depends on what you do how much it comes back (one fold, 3 fold, etc.).  However, there is no such thing as "good karma" - it is in reference to putting out energy - when you put out some sort of energy that energy comes back.

    "Good Karma" is really dogma and that means you live your life being good and kind to others, not because of the rewards you get, but because you believe in living a good and decent life.  Then it comes back your way because of the kind of life you live.

  4. It is real only if one believes in it

  5. you'd be surprised at all the things that are "all in our heads".

    it's better to keep it in our head though, because we refrain from doing things we wouldn't want coming back to us. good for humanity!

    ya dig?  

  6. i personally don't believe in karma but  I believe that people deserve what they get  

  7. I don't believe that karma is actually mystical.  It is simple cause and affect.  In that sense there is no debating that it exists.  But there is a spiritual teaching concerning karma that encourages good behavior.  If you laugh at me to put me down, perhaps your friend will see it and become rude to you out of discust.  So in hurting my feelings your own gets hurt.  If I patiently let you merge in front of me in a crowded parking lot, maybe you will give me your big sweet smile which makes me smile.  Maybe I am still smiling when I'm in the store and someone likes that and lets me merge in front of them at the check out stand.  So all in all, karma can teach us to be good.

  8. According to John Lennon Instant Karma is gonna to get you.  However I think Gloria Estefan had it more right when she said the Rhythm Is Gonna Get You.  

  9. Karma is more t*t for tat, a semi-precise, if not precise, attempt at balancing what you outflow with what you inflow. So you laugh at me and it makes me embarrassed, then 2 years later someone laughs at you and you get embarrassed having completely forgotten laughing at me, the idea being that you are completely put off at someone laughing at you, whereas if you remembered laughing at me, it wouldn't be so hurtful. So, I don't think there is instant karma, but how long is time in what is termed "instant?" It could be instant, however. Dropping down to a low vibration turns the energy of life against you in a karmic kind of way that is more or less instant. People have what they call good days and bad days, good when they themselves feel good and the energy in life supports how they feel with instant karma where events go your way, and vice versa, but that is more like being in the Tao or in harmony with life and not opposed to it on bad days when you're not feeling well and happy. That is more of a vibration and not an ourflow of action. You can feel good and do something bad which creates bad karma for you, but life at the moment is vibrating with you in a positive way that is supporting you.

  10. not really an independent force, but a collection of experiences that tell us more like: "what goes around comes around"  could explain it better but its a pretty long explanation.

  11. energy has effects on energy.  To suggest that we do not emit a measurable level of energy and that it varies based on mood and intention would be very naive.

    Quantum mathematics alone would make the case that "karma" is a natural occurring law.

    The only question is does our level and type of energy "attract" like sources that create the opportunity for events that we chalk up to "Karma"?

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