
Is internation adoption right ?

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is it a good thing that these children are being removed from their culture in which they were born into ?

what are your views on the issue ??




  1. But isn't a culture what you live?  lf they're older kids l see your point, but even then learning a new culture as well as their original one is better than starving to death, or being sold into prostitution, or getting married and having a baby by 12 years old, right?  What's the point in leaving them in that culture if they don't even have a life?  But if they're babies or really young, their culture will be what their parents cultures are, just like every other child and parent in the world.  And like some of the other answerers said, sponsoring a child is great, but people have a right to have children of their own as well.  How would biological parents like it if they got told "no, you can't have a baby, you have to pay for the poor ones who are already here".  That's totally crazy.  Besides, l know two people who adopted, one did it from Korea, and both of them sponsor kids as well!

  2. I agree with Lizzy, It is so painful for these young children to be ripped away from their family and friends.  But I also hate to see them dying from disease and malnutrician.  If these kids had sponsers, someone to help care for them, I think that would be the best possible thing anyone could do.

  3. Every child deserves a loving home and loving family regardless of their culture or nationality.

  4. I think that it is fine, they are coming into a family that is loving and caring, what else would a person ask for. However, as far as is it the right choice for you? Thats your decision, I belive that there are so many people in this country that need love and care for- But we are all Gods children and to be able to adopt and love for ANY child from ANY where is a great thing!

    Good luck on your decision

    Many blessings!!

  5. Well , just recently read an article about international adoption , and I was quite shocked. do you know that international adoption is often legalized child trade? Parents who are adopting, often are choosing for a white baby. It has many advantages : people don't know your child isn't really yours, and the baby is free of aids , .... However, country's which have to deliver the babies get a much higher demand than the real amount of babies available. To make sure they have the right amount of babies, babies are stolen From their mothers !!!  The mothers delivering in the hospital are told that their babies have died. However, in reality the mothers signature is faked and babies are sold to adoption bureaus, receiving a lot of money for them. because of this, countries such as Bulgaria have tries to stop international adoption.

    Do you know what the response of (e.g. France ) other governments were? They were extremely angry and even tried to 'blackmail' Bulgaria. (Threatening them that they would lower their monetary help if they would not reopen the adoption possibilities) . Really , terrible !!

  6. Its not a big deal if a couple of one race wants to adopt a child(ren) of another race. It shouldnt be a problem as long as that child is loved and cared for. Everyone is the same, just of another skin color. I'm wanting to have at least one more of my own and adopt a child of another race in the future.

  7. Though unfortunate for anyone to lose their culture of origin, that very same culture is often what leads to there being so many orphans in the first place. It's a conundrum to be sure. However, most of us are descended from immigrants and no longer share anything with the culture of our ancestors except maybe a recipe and surname.

    Do you speak German or Scottish Gaelic or Finnish or whatever language your forbears did? Do you wear the clothing styles? Do you eat the same foods?

    And to the poster who mentioned Bulgaria, that country was well known for trying to "get rid" of their Roma population by placing Roma children for International adoption.

  8. Depends on the circumstance maybe they will be better off to grow into adults and be able to go back and help how do you choose for them HIV ,poverty sadness death who knows how there lives  will turn out but given the choice what would you choose.hopefully they will grow up benign loved and cared for the best and happiness for them no matter what circumstance their in.

  9. If a country has no social services to help their citizens, which is most countries, and a child has the option of either starving to death or being adopted by a family in another country then I say YES international adoption is good for them.

    It's often a matter of death in their homeland vs. life in another culture.

    Did you know that many children in third world countries do not live to their 5th birthday?  In some third world countries the statistics are that most children do not reach age 5 rather than many.

    plifa, DNA testing by the united states government prevents child trafficking.  In order to adopt internationally a child and his mother are tested to ensure that they are biologically mother and child.  What you are suggesting may occur but not in respect to an international adoption by a united states family.  In fact most first world countries require DNA testing.

  10. i was adopted from one country to another.not from a third world country,but still,to a different environment. i was removed from the culture,but i don't feel i have missed out or anything.

  11. I think that international adoptions are excellent ideas. Yes, you may be taking a child out of it's natural culture, but you are bringing a child to the US where it will have a very nice home with 2 parents and grow up with enough food to eat and get an education.  If you left that child in what is probably a third world country it would probably end up living in an orphanage where it would not get enough food to eat, it wouldn't get an education, it wouldn't have someone to love it, and it very well might die early from some rare disease.

    So, you tell me, which is better, keeping it's culture or living a good life.

  12. I have mixed feelings about children being adopted and taken to another country. Whilst I don't doubt the sincerity of the people wanting to adopt, I think that if the children could somehow be sponsored and then able to stay with their parents or other family members in their own country, this would be the more appropriate solution.

  13. It sounds like you think those kids would rather die in their own culture through neglect.

    The concept of keeping your Culture was created in the west to justify stopping yet another form of immigration.  It is discrimination cloaked in disguise.

  14. I believe that our culture is a very important part of who we are, but first and foremost are the rights to appropriate nutrition, access to health care, freedom from oppression, the right to be held and nurtured and loved.  Just look at the damage that was done to all of those babies left in orphanages in Romania all of those years ago - they were never held and human contact is one of our fundamental needs as humans.  If I could I probably would adopt from overseas - regardless of my own ability to have children - but if I did, i would expose my child to as much of their birth culture as I could.

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