
Is interracial dating acceptable to you?

by  |  earlier

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How does it make you feel?




  1. I love it when two people are in love.  I don't notice skin colors - sorry.

  2. I think it's cool, I would be in one. I don't care what people think, after all, no race is God's gift or curse to the earth, we are all people.

  3. I don't see color, or anything else...I see a couple happy and in love.  I don't care what their hair color is, their skin color, their eye color, or their religion.  Two people totally committed and making things work is beautiful.  And honestly? of mixed race are SUCH a treasure...the best qualities of each all mixed in one!'s beautiful!  

  4. It makes me feel wonderful whenever I see any two people who have found someone who cares about them, regardless of race or gender.  

  5. I personally wouldn't do it.  

  6. As a poet from the 1950t's named Rod Mckuen put it and i quote . . .

    " 'Tis not who or why we love

    in this life of ours that matters,

    but that we love before this life

    of ours matters, no longer . . .

  7. It is filthy and disgusting to create hybrids !!!

  8. This doesn't bother me at all.

  9. Doesn't concern me one way or the other as long as the people are happy.

  10. Why wouldn't it be? Of all the silly things to have a problem with...

  11. I don't have a problem with interracial dating. But I do think it's wrong to prefer one race over another or over your own.  Or date another race exclusively because of their color.  Sometimes people get preference confused with being bias.  If your one race and ONLY date another race that's not a preference, that's making it exclusive.  

  12. It's acceptable unto God ... the problem is polygamy , adult-child relationships , incest or close blood relationships , homosexuality and others

    Interracial = Right

    Why ? It's still one man and one woman ( no mention of race )

    That is the standard

    And if people can't see that obvious truth and try to connect this beautiful creation with the abomination of homosexuality then they are quite frankly blind and stupid


  13. I think it's just fine. Why do we have to be restricted by one's ethnicity? If that person makes you happy and whole why does it matter.  

  14. i don't even think twice about it, they want to be together so they should be able to be together.  

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