
Is intimacy with others is a basic need?

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Is intimacy with others is a basic need?




  1. I say definitely.  I love having a boyfriend. I love the feeling of intimacy both emotionally as WELL as physically

  2. I would say yes.

  3. dont mistake intimacy with social contact.

    I think it might be a basic need for men to pro-create etc...

    Although I find it annoying that it is so...

  4. It is not a basic need, as these are sleep, food, water, warmth and shelter.  We have a hierarchy of needs and once the basic ones have been met we seek to fulfull the next ones. See the link below which highlighting Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

  5. No. Many people enjoy solitude, in fact, some prefer it. Depends on the person I guess..

  6. Yes

  7. Yes.

  8. I think interest with human contact is normal, yes.

  9. Absolutely!

  10. yes totally

    its acutally in the bible but we gotta do it like hes says

    and god says a couple (a guy and a chick should be married)

    help plz;...

  11. absolutely not.

  12. yes and no, Some believe that it is in several degree's/ Like sexual gratification, lust, desire, fantasy, just the physical feeling of sexual gratification.

    Others believe that you shouldn't do it unless your married to that person.

    Choice is a personal one.

  13. No it is not a BASIC need, and it is not on the ground floor of Maslow's Hierachy of needs, it's on the third step up. You do not need intimacy to survive, contrary to popular belief. If you were going to cease to live if you did not get 3 servings of intimacy per day then it would be a basic need.

  14. Yes it is, just look at all the animals.

  15. All animals in the world have a basic need to procreate - man (or woman) is no different.  We, as humans, just have the ability to control what we do and with whom, if we choose to.  If we get intimate with every person of the opposite s*x that we meet, then we are no better than the animal population.

  16. No -- basic need are like food and water you r****d

  17. Yes, according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It's on the ground floor with food.

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