
Is ir rude to send someone presents when you told them "Please do not send me present"?

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This past christmas, i went to italy, i told my extended family, "no presents this year, because im not exchanging and i wont be there" they all agreed

My cousin and his wife sent a box of presents for me and my two kids,, let me add they were reall cheap, like 99 cent store stuff -tacky, was almost like they were getting even with me.

I never called to thank them, but i sent a xmas card saying thanks for the presents but i asked not to send anything..

Also at the time x-mas, they were telling everyone in my family how i was sent prsents and never thanked them,, my Aunt calls me up and says they are windering if u got the presents and were going to put a tracker on it.. I said i asked not to be sent presents, she says well they did it anyway..

Now they called me to say happy 4th,, and mentioned how they cant believe how i never called to say thanks for x-mas presents,,,

Umm are they being rude?? isnt it rude in first place to send them?




  1. Yep, that's rude. Return them!

  2. Christmas isn't even a Holy Day nor is it mentioned in the Bible.  People should respect your request not to send presents.  I wouldn't even acknowledge or say thank you.  You should have "return to sender".  They might have been trying to be funny by sending it anyway.  Sometimes family can be ignorant like that.

  3. I think it is very rude to call you up and complain about your failure to thank them. That makes the gift sound so insincere to me.

    But you were wrong in not thanking them. Just yesterday I realized I forgot to thank one of my cousins for a gift she, her mom, and her boyfriend sent me almost three months ago. She's upset about it and is currently telling everyone but me. I've decided that I have to thank her very soon, which I believe you should do as well.

    Write a short note saying, "Thanks for thinking of me while I was in Italy! While I was unable to participate in the gift exchange, it was so wonderful to come home to such a nice surprise. I'm so sorry it's taken me awhile to thank you both. Hope you had a great 4th of July!"

    That should clear things up.

    Just appreciate the gift. Whether they gave it to you immaturely or not, just appreciate it and move on.

    EDIT: I just read your additional details. If you already thanked them, simply call them up and tell them, "Aunt _____ called and asked if I had received your gift. I was positive I thanked you in the Christmas card I sent you, but maybe it slipped my mind. It was a wonderful gift, anyways. Thank you so much for thinking of me."

    Or, another route would be just to ignore them all together!

  4. my dear. you should thank them..coz it given to you heartly .. they considered  you a s very important not the gift that counts..its more on the thought..

  5. They sent you presents because they like to give. Accept them without feeling you owe them a gift.  However, a thank you note is expected to be sent, so you should have done that - nicely.  Such as "Thanks for the _____ gifts. The kids enjoyed playing with them".

  6. Wow don"t you just love family.... Well listen you sent a x-mass card out saying thank you! That is saying thank you...It's not really rude to send someone a gift even if they say not to. Most people take that as a hint send them. Like when its your bday and you say -dont do anything for my bday... Most people take that as a hint do something for my bday =) Good luck with that whole situation & it's good to know that I am not the only one out there with the same issues =)

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