
Is is justifying that we are truly fighting with the terrorism at large ???

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However large and in human may be the terrorists activity ?? they might not be unaware from the eyes of the law of all the country that they operate in??? so really are this country together in countering terrorism at large????




  1. What we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is our justification with the war on terrorism, and I do support our efforts on the war on terror, but I don't believe our methods of combating terrorism in a large scale is how we should've done this....

    I don't have a Ph D. in Intelligence with Military Strategies or whatever, but I know it doesn't take a genius to know that the reason why we have so many die in Iraq/Afghanistan is because there are so many of them over there....How many of those Alqaeda fools would come in large numbers and try to take down a large unit? They move within the realms of their people...But when a large US Army unit comes through their sights, don't you think that just gives them more bodies to take down? We should've done this stealth style and CIA operatives, 24 , mission impossible, james bond style... because that's how terrorists move... they come in the night like a thief when we at least expect it..isn't that what happened with 9/11, only I heard that the government was informed????correct me if I'm WRONG......

  2. it is true that terrorism is going on, but everyone has different opinion about "who is terrorist?" .

  3. Sikander: Yes, the war on terrorism is justified.

    If you saw your neighbor killing a woman, you would be nearly as guilty as him if you were capable to stop him and did nothing.  If your neighbor is attempting to kill you, you would be dead, if you did not resist.  If your neighbor is a mass murderer on his rampage and you are the only one with the means to stop him, then you must do so.

    Vaughn: Your statement implies that you think we are at war with the Iraqi or Afghani people.  We are not, despite how the media portrays the wars. (How much do they even cover Afghanistan!?!)  We are building schools, hospitals and infrastructure in both countries for their people.

    There are more Al-Qaeda in Iraq than anywhere else.  In fact, the sectarian violence there was instigated by AQ.  They bombed both s**+'a and Sunni muslims in order to get those two sides fighting.

    AQ is currently in retreat and out of the dust of their retreat we are seeing more clearly another enemy that has been on the battlefield more clearly, Iranian supplied weapons and IED's.  IED's of such technical requirement that a war zone is not conducive to their manufacture.  60 a month.

    Yes, the Iranians are involved.  If Iraq becomes a stable, prosperous democracy, their worst fears will be realized.  They fear our success and our freedoms more than they do our military.

    In my blog, I give not only the facts of the above, but also the political and historical reasons for them.

    War on Terror Blog:

    Did you know that AQ attacks on Saudi Arabia and terrorism in general have increased in the period 98-04, over the previous 28 year? 574% increase.  It is down 73% in Iran and 95% in Syria.  Hmmm, that seems to indicate the Saudis really are the enemies of AQ while Syria and Iran are not.

    Take a look at my "Good News" series about our successes.

    Take a look at my "Hardened Warrior" series to find out what kind of people our Soldiers and Marines are.

    Take a look at my "This day in History" series to find out what happened terrorism wise on this particular day.

    Go back a bit and I tell you about our enemy in "Know Your Enemy" as well as articles like "The Abbasid Caliphate"

    There is still much to be published on all of these, but our daily successes are not being reported in the media.  The daily atrocities are being committed by our enemy and that is not being properly attributed.

    Hamid Karzai, of Afghanistan, yesterday thanked the United States for helping make it a safer place with hospitals, schools, and helping it become one of the fastest growing economies in Asia.

  4. Is the war on terror justified? Yes.  Is what they doing a good way to combat terror? NO. For the president was really interested in security of our nation, he would do the basics, which would be securing the borders. The 9/11 hijackers were illegals. If this was the case, then why is the situation with illegals allowed to get out of hand?  Something does not make sense here. h**l, in Iraq US troops are patrolling the Iran-Iraqi border to prevent terrorists from getting into Iraq. Why is this not being done here?

    Is collapsing foreign countries infrastructure that provide people with the basics (electricity, water and such)  and leading air raids and bombing people's houses, kidnapping foreign citizens from foreign country's' and sending them to black sites without a trial or proof of guilt and using "enhanced interrogation techniques" on them to confess a good way to combat it? No, unfortunately such measures increase and legitimatize the terrorists' cause and give the terrorists new recruits who want revenge and justice against the states for doing this.

    Since freedoms at home are being taken away and when this began, we can no longer call ourselves liberators, for it has been shown our leaders have long ceased to care about liberty.

  5. By "this country," do you mean the UK, the USA, or a different one?  We all know that most terrorists do NOT have the official sanction of the countries in which they've taken shelter, so to go to war with those countries defeats our purpose. The best way to target terrorists is through better intelligence and through working with the countries in which they may be hiding to exterminate the actual guilty parties, instead of making enemies by going to war against whole peoples who might be innocent.

  6. Yes, it is justified to for countries to cooperatively fight terrorism world wide.

    Considering the number of cells which have internationally been identified, how can you doubt, they do not know they are breaking a law. If  their goal is to kill innocent people to achieve their statement -DUH.

  7. No, there is hardly any justification.

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