
Is is possible to justify murder through religion?

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before you start,

murder = The crime of killing a person with malice and intent.




  1. Of course!!!

    Mankind has used every type of religion or belief system to justify murder. It doesn't have to be religion it can be a political idea too like communism or fascism too.

    Doesn't make it right but it is in our nature to invent excuses to commit crimes

  2. NO !

  3. The malice part throws a wrench in it.

    There are times when its necessary to kill with intent, but you are suppose to put aside the malice, even in times of war.  You shouldnt want to kill even if you have to.

  4. Just read the bible there are lots of examples!!

  5. Not in the eyes of God! God bless!

  6. I can't say it better than Steven Weinberg ...

    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.


  7. The bible tells me it is okay to kill my neighbor.  She's a Witch.  So to obey's God's laws, I gotta kill her.  Thank God I am an Atheist, and don't believe in God.  I don't want to go to prison for murder.  

  8. if they pick and choose what they want to follow then it is possible... heck in some cases the only way they could be cherry picking any more (like the catholic church during the dark ages) would be if they said look in the 10 commandments it says "thou shalt.... kill"

  9. Yes and no. Let me explain what I mean. of course it was not right that Cain killed his brother Abel but if you kill in self defense or to protect someone else from harm (like their life is in danger) then it is ok

  10. To the law it's not likely unless things change. In the mind of certain believers, definitely.  It's done constantly by those who shoot doctors who perform abortions, those who murder LGBT people, those who kill "witches", suicide bombers, and others of their ilk.

  11. It is possible. We have evidence of this.

    But is it right?

  12. Justify to who? It's already done the world over. To a Rational atheist or agnostic, the answer is universally no. To a member of your own religion? Like I said, it's been done, over and over and over. The Inquisition? Mayan and Aztec Sacrifices? Muslim Suicide Bombers? All felt justified to members of their own religion, and viewed as atrocious by outsiders.

  13. Not the Christian religion. EVER. period.

    Now: with the Muslims, ... that might be a tricky question.

  14. Speaking from an Islamic point of view, unless one is doing it in self-defense, or standing against an oppresser, murder can never be justified. Even if one is fighting in a war against another army, then the following rules must be abided to in Islam:

    ""Do not betray, be treacherous or vindictive. Do not mutilate. Do not kill children, the aged or women. Do not cut or burn palm trees or fruit trees. Do not slay a sheep, a cow, or camel except for your food. And you will come across people who stay in hermitages for worship; leave them alone to what they devote themselves to.""

    Islam strictly forbids the murder of the layman. In Islam there's a saying: "A murder of one is equal to killing all of humanity." Some murderers obviously use religion to justify their murder, but they're either misguided or misunderstood. Even though, on the surface, it may appear that these murderers justify their actions by using religion, one cannot accept that as the major and sole reason. Factors, such as the environment they belong in, their social status, and their helplessness & mental status, must be taken into account.

  15. I'd go so far as to say it's insanely easy to do so.

    Mass murders committed in the name of religion have been done throughout all of history. They're kind of the norm.

  16. To justify it for religious Murder is a sin. Yet, many wars have begun because of religious differences. Just another example of how messed up society is.

  17. No it is not possible. Murder is a sin. Hating your brother is a sin. If you can't have hate in your heart, there is no way you can murder and justify it.

  18. By definition it is possible to justify anything via anything.

    I think your question is more:

    Is it possible to commit a righteous murder following the tenets of faith?

    Yes, In the old testament you will find many offenses against both man and God that are punishable by stoning.

  19. Sure. Religious people do it all the time.

  20. Possible?  It's been done for thousands of years.

  21. Oh Lord yes!  Religion gives permission to the mob mentality which loves to burn witches or secret jews (in in Spain).  

    There is a saying:  Good people do good things - Bad people do bad things - but if you want good people to do bad things it takes religion.

  22. Yeah. We have the War in Iraq happening right now. The only justifiable excuse they have now is "God told me to do it"

  23. When has anything BUT murder been justified through religion, ever? Every religion at one time or another has persecuted and murdered non-believers and justified their actions through their dogma. This has been going on for as long as there has been an organized religion. Non-believers have always been "lesser" beings than believers and therefore, it is not considered murder to kill non-believers in the name of religion. This is exactly why suicide bombers believe that killing infidels will martyr them and get them to their version of heaven with 72 virgins at their beck and call. Which, by the way, I find a very sexist view of heaven... 72 virgins? Really?  

  24. You have to ask this?  I think the answer is a resounding Yes.

  25. No, I can't think of any instance that does justify murder. Well aside from the court systems, I do believe that if you willing murder, you should face the same fate. I'm assuming you mean sacrifices or genocide, definitely not acceptable...

  26. Of course, you only have to convince yourself that the person to be killed is evil and that eliminating him/her is God's will. People do it all the time.

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