
Is is punishment the right thing for juveniles?

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I'm doing a S.A and want to know if punishment for juveniles is the right thing?

I think no, it's wrong and should only be used a little bit




  1. The puppy example is very good.

    There is an execellent book Called People Making by V. Satir.

    It's an eye opener as to how we fail to properly communicate: no eye contact is a huge mistake in dealing with misbehaviour or good deeds also.

    Yelling from one room to another. My personal favorite and an original I use is Couch Parenting during commercials! Shows the real priority.

    Best of luck.

    Also there would be little need for this discussion if parents actually raised their kids and not daycare facilities!

  2. It's going to depend on what the punishment IS exactly, and what they're being punished FOR.  Torture is one thing, but discipline is absolutely CRITICAL in raising a child. Telling a child not to do something.. Then giving unlimited "2nd chances" when they do it anyway is going to do ONE thing. It's going to teach the child that there is no negative consequence for misdeeds. Punishing the child once he's misbehaved, and KNOWS it will form an association in his mind between what he did, and what happened to him BECAUSE of it. Especially during the formative years, this will mold WHO the adult becomes.

       Of course overreaction to a misdeed will have disastrous results too. An overblown punishment for small misdeeds will often lead to the child saying "F-ck it. No matter what I do, I get the c**p knocked out of me" and leads to a bitter angry adult with impulse control issues. (in GENERAL. it's more complex than that.)

       There's a scene in the Heinlein novel "starship troopers" that deals with this very issue. The teacher asks the question: "Did you scold your puppy for peeing on the carpet?" (the answer's yes.) he then acts shocked, saying "WHAT TYPE OF SICK ANIMAL ARE YOU?"  The kid replies that the dog had to be TOUGHT it's bad to pee on the carpet. It's not born with the knowledge.  The teacher then asks if it makes sense to never scold the puppy for peeing... Then to one day up and shoot it dead for pis-sing the floor..." His moral for the story being that when we don't teach our kids right/wrong... it's not the CHILD that failed, it's the PARENT!

        Like the hypothetical puppy, our children aren't born with the understanding of why things are good and bad. That's a function of whatever culture the child belongs to. And it's parent's duty, and obligation to teach the kid. That's all that punishment is, and it's a sublte but insidious form of child abuse to NOT do this. Otherwise, you condemn the defenseless baby to a live of misery.  

  3. In some cases yes.  But I think there should be some sort of comprehensive approach e.g. reentry programs.  If you try to analyze reciditivism and the percentage of the positive impact that reentry programs has had on Juveniles in a given state, county etc..then you probably could get a synopsis view of what you need to know about punishment and reciditivism.

  4. Juveniles need to learn that for every action there is a reaction.  If you reward them for doing the wrong thing, they will not learn a thing but if you punish them for their wrongful actions, it at least leaves a message that wrong hurts and right is a blessing.  Sometimes the only way to penetrate a hardened mind is to in inflict a little pain.  The Bible says to spare the rod is to spoil the child.  To bad there wasn't an adult around to teach them how to get along in society at an earlier age.  The Bible also says that if a child disrespects his parents the child shall be put to death.

  5. i think it is right because it teaches them that for every action there is a reaction and they cause alot of problems now trying to be "cool" so i guess it helps put a ease to the situation and what do you think will happen to the society if all juves were released overnight?

  6. Whats the right thing to do ?? Everything to today is all about being politically correct and at the same time violent related crime is rising .What to do for the best?

  7. It isn't used nearly enough.

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