
Is is rude for them to give me food past the expiration date?

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I have relatives who own a shop and they tend to give my family and I food after it's expiration date. To me that seems rude because they are only giving it to us as they would have to throw it out not because they want to. Am I correct for thinking this way?




  1. it depends.. I personally wouldnt think of it as rude..

    but maybe they should have asked if you care to take off date items

    some people are thrilled to get freebies.. having said this.. you'd probably say.. well not expired freebies..

    depending on the product, if its like expired dairy stuff I wouldnt want it, but if its like expired canned goods or boxed goods.. sometimes they actually last months after the expiration date.. Id accept it..  

  2. h**l ya u r ri8.....If I were u I would give the food bak to them the next day....!!!! and would tell them tht it has been expired and show them the expiration date on tht package ri8 in their FACE ......

  3. it is not a rude gesture, the food is still good they just cant sell it anymore they probably figure why waste it so they put it to a good use.i would be grateful if someone gave my family and myself free food.  i am not trying to judge but it seems like you should be a little more grateful

  4. i thought it illegal LOL

    but than there is a sell date and expiration

    sell means its good for another 2 weeks

    expiration means 2-3 more days

    now help me;...

  5. It depends on what kinda of food it is. If it's refrigerated then be sure to use it soon. But with everything else some people keep stuff past the expiration date and others even buy things a day or two before it expires. But like I said it depends on what kind of food. If you don't want the food or if it's smells funny, throw it out.

    I've kept cakes mixes a year or more and they taste fine.

    But when it comes to giving it...I usually give new food so they have longer to us it if they don't want use it at that present time.

    So to answer your question, yes and no. If you don't like them giving food then say so! Say you don't like that kind of food.

  6. eat it

    get food poisoning

    and sue

    just kidding obviously

    i'm sure it's illegal somehow to give out food past the expiration date

    even if it is family

    let them know how you feel about it

    and ask them to treat you as if you were any other customer

    and to give you good food

    if you get it for free because theyre family, then i wouldnt complain

  7. usually the expiration date on food labels is early.  food can still be fine a week after the date on the label.

    i think it's nice of them to give you & your fam the food they can't sell.

    if you don't want to eat it, don't.

    but if it's like weirdly past the expiration date, that is strange and rude.

  8. I don't think its rude.  They're giving to you what would have been wasted.  I'm pretty picky about sticking to expiration dates but I hear that SOME products are still good after the dates have expired for a few extra days.  Depends on the food.  Maybe the foods that they give you apply to that exception?

  9. It sounds as though they do not like to see food go to waste when others go hungry around the world. You could always just choose not to eat it.  

  10. don't look a gift horse in the mouth!  They know the food is perfectly good still but can't legally sell it in the store so they are doing you a HUGE favor and giving it to you.  I wish they were my relatives.

  11. What jerks.......break into their store and take a **** in the cold cut bin. That will teach them.

  12. NO.....You could tell them that you don't want it any more.

    They didn't hide the expiration date.

    They could just throw it out, or give it to someone else who appreciates it.

    You are not correct or incorrect.  It depends how it is looked at.

    There are probably people around where you live that would appreciate it very much to receive the expired food.

  13. There's a difference between Expiration dates and Sell-by dates.

    Most food will keep for a good period of time after a sell-by date.

  14. Canned food is still fine, If you arent paying for it, who cares. My freind growing up used to go with his family to get a lot of stuff from someone at a local market that was close dated. It fed them and me many times. There was nothing wrong with it.  Its better than wasting it. I think you are being snobbish, Dont take it if you dont want it, or give it to the homeless, They wouldnt complain. Most of the canned stuff in peoples cupboards is probably expired anyway.

  15. Yes, I would be slightly offended also...  but I try not to expect too much from others in these types of areas.  They probably mean well, so I wouldn't say anything to them about it.

  16. Food often does not go bad the day very it expires. Somethings can be good for up to two weeks past there expiration date. It cannot be sold past the exp date though. Just be grateful. Better for it to be used than thrown away  

  17. depends on how far past the expiration date. They are guidelines for stores to follow for quality and freshness but many foods last well beyond those dates.  

  18. They are Giving it to you not Charging you for it but you're not, legally, obligated to accept it, or use it.  Most food items are good for a few days to a few weeks after the expiration date so I would thank them rather than be rude and not thank them.

    What do your additional details mean?  How are you wasting all the good food you paid for, and have previously eaten, when you eat something which makes you ill?  If there's any logic in this statement - I've missed it.  

  19. well it depends. do they know that the food is past the expiration date? if not then no. But if yes then yeah you have a right to be sort of angry. Thats really weird.

  20. Not really.  Just because it's past the expiration date doesn't mean it's bad.  If they've been doing it for years, you're helping them in not wasting their money.  Rather it put to use if it's still good (dates are just guides, milks good a few days past it's expiration date), might as well use it.  It's waste otherwise if you guys don't eat it, right?

  21. not really

    free food!

    They just can't legally sell it, but most food is still good past the sell by date.

  22. There are whole grocery stores that deal in

    this type of merchandise...but in a regular store unless it is in a certain section...they  are giving you something that is acceptable...but it just depends on the product.  Do some research, item by item....and I am sure you will find most are just fine.  

    They are probably saving money by giving it away, instead of throwing it away or shipping it to some other distributor

  23. I have heard of people giving the expired/day old food away... and I think if it's not moldy or too rotten to eat, geesh I would accept it gladly.  I think it's nice of them to not just throw it away when someone else could use it.  

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