
Is is true Kobe Bryant is Retiring this year? from the NBA?

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Is is true Kobe Bryant is Retiring this year? from the NBA?




  1. No!

    Kobe was happy that Shaq got of the team. He wants to be the star. And in order to be the star he needs to win the championship!

  2. NO!!!!!

    Why would he retire when he still hasn't won a title without YA HIIS IS MY FAVORITE PLAYER SO i DON'T WHAT HIM TO RETIRE

  3. I'd say he has about 10 more years left in him.

    If he leaves,then James will get the respect he deserves.

  4. Yes Lebron will be a Laker in 2010!

  5. He wont

    He will when he get more titles then SHAQ has.

  6. Rumor, definitely not.

  7. no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. NO NO NO and i hope he never does but when he does im gonna cry

  9. haha no not at all, hes still very young and he has some more titles to win, (without shaq) and hes already proven people wrong more reason to stay

  10. NO!!!!!

    Why would he retire when he still hasn't won a title without shaq?

  11. nah..thats not happenin

  12. I wish he would. mayb he finally found out that KING JAMES took the torch from him (for best in the world). he might of also realized he cant win without shaq. Hopefully Kobrick Cryant can come to his senses and retire.

  13. NO. Where did u hear that?

  14. probably not...on the other hand he took the 4th quarter off in Game#6 of the Finals...heh

  15. No...

    He's only 29, and he has a great team that has an opportunity to win multiple titles.

    He's in his prime...why retire?

  16. Nah!!!!!!!!!

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