
Is is true that marbella is home for many CRIMINALS?

by Guest33663  |  earlier

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  1. No way!

    Politicians in small (but crowded in summer) towns has been making some extra "cash" allowing constructors to build in every avalaible inch of terrain. Some of them (both politicians and construction business men) are now in jail waiting for a trial. (

    Apart from that, the most common crime you'll be seeing there is drunk foreigners on holiday that sometimes get into fights (just as in every holidays location at Mediterranean sea)

    Of course, like in any other touristic spot, watch your bag, your camera or your mobile. But don't worry, there are enough unaware tourists to pickpocket so thiefts don't see the point on using violence.

    Just to convince yourself try to look for gangs, guns or any other stuff you're worried about in Marbella on

    I you're finally going: enjoy (lucky you!)

  2. hahahaha. No!

    I'm from Spain and I know well "Costa del Sol" and "Marbella".

    Marbella is a good place to spend your holidays!! It's a historic city with charming streets and beautiful spots.

    Marbella is famous in Spain for its corrupt mayors but not for the crime.

    Crime in Spain is concentrated in big cities like Madrid or Barcelona, so don't worry and come to Marbella. You'll like it!

    Regards from Spain!

  3. I've heard that the Costa del Sol is also reffered to the Costa del Crime. Reason being that the extradition laws are pretty lax.

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