
Is is wise to question the organization/ church that claims to be the ONLY true channel of communication?

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between God and people?




  1. Absolutely!

    Some favorite quotes from different sources:

    "Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it."

    “Any organization that claims to be the way of salvation should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.” (Awake 8/22/84, p. 28)

    Acts 17:11 - Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

    Did you catch that? The Bereans were NOBLE for questioning an APOSTLE, to see if anything he said wasn't accurate according to GOD's WORD!!!

    So if is noble to question an Apostle, it is ALSO noble to question the Governing Body, pope, or any other religious leader. And any religious leader telling you otherwise should be a strong warning to run the other way! Do NOT be misled!

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    These words are not mine, but I hope you'll find them helpful! :)

    All religions have one thing in common: they encourage their members to work as hard as they can to gain everlasting life, the celestial kingdom, nirvana, or whatever else they want to call it.

    Biblical Christianity, however, is different. Instead of earning our goal as a reward, it is offered to us freely as a gift through Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice, whose offering of Himself was complete to earn our way to everlasting life with God the Father.

    As Jesus Christ was dying, he said “It is finished” because from that point on, all anyone had to do was to trust His sacrifice to cover their sins. Everyone needs this sacrifice because the Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that we are all sinners.

    We are in such bad condition that when we try to earn favor with God through our good works, Isaiah 64:6 tells us that our righteous deeds are like filthy rags to God. In Mark 10:27 Jesus is answering His disciples’ question, “who then can be saved?” He said, “with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”

    God realizes that man cannot possibly save himself through door-to-door preaching or ordinances of a church. That’s why God did not send an organization or a church to offer us peace with God, but He sent His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me.”

  2. Jesus came  so we can all speak directly to God  any church that claims  what you say is false.

  3. Yes, it is very wise. We should rely on the bible because the Word of God is the same past, present and future

  4. Any group that makes that claim is not of God. Christ is the mediator between God and man. He is God in human flesh, come to redeem His creation.

  5. I question ANY group that makes such a claim.

    The truth is that the Bible is 100% true and is the final and only authority on all matters.  Any group that doesn't agree, and any group that twists the Bible, is rejected as false.  

  6. Always question, it's why "God" gave us a free will isn't it? To make our own choices and ask our own questions?

  7. That is pretty much what every single religion claims.

  8. Yes. Thats not what the Bible teaches. Christ is the mediator.

    1 Tim 2:5 -

    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

    (Heb 8:6)(Heb 9:15)(Heb 12:24)

  9. Over the hundreds of years, Christianity has never been consistent. Remember when they taught that the world was flat and was at the center of the universe?

    You'd be wise to chuck the entire nonsense!

  10. Mocking is not wise, but questioning in pursuit of understanding certainly should not be a problem.

  11. Yes, ma'am.

    Any religion that claims to be the only way to God is based on deceit and lies.

  12. It is not only wise, I believe it is essential for your spiritual well being. God gave us brains for a reason. ;)

  13. Test the scriptures, test the church, test the preacher, test everything.  If it is real it will pass all tests.  If it is not it will not pass.  Any religion that will not allow itself to be questioned is a shallow faith.  I know my faith is open to question and even welcomes it.  The only true channel of Communication is Jesus, he is our mediator and comforter.  No Church or Organization can do this for you and you do not need them to ask Jesus anything.  Salvation is through Jesus not some man made organization. Those that teach that salvation is through them or to receive the holy Spirit is a false teaching and not of the Bible.  The bible warns us of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Satan will use the light to confuse us in many ways.    

  14. Nope.  

  15. If I said I am the only true channel of communication and write a book about it, will you question me?

  16. It's not only wise, it's essential. Vital, I would say.

    Whenever you hear that claim, run--do not walk--away. Far away.

    No church will save you.

    No pastor will save you.

    No doctrine will save you.

    Only Jesus can do that. Only by accepting the Lordship of Christ and acknowledging your need of a Saviour can you be saved.

    The rest is man-made frippery.

  17. nope

  18. Make this claim many religions do. Wise is it to listen to just one?

  19. The Apostle Paul was inspired to write....

    But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!

    Galatians 1:7-9

    Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

    John 14:5-7

    Jesus said nothing about having to be part of any organization.

    Jesus said he was the way.

    It's man that says you have to go through their organization or church to gain salvation and that is 100 percent FALSE !!!

    Love a born again Christian  

  20. You should always be questioning. Following people blindly is a bad way to go.

    "The unexamined life is not worth living".

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