
Is ishaan a muslim name and if so what does it mean.

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i know its a hindus name but muslims have it too. should i keep it if is a hindu name as well. would like to hear from other muslim bros and sis




  1. Ishaan is a Hindu name.

    IHSAAN is a Muslim name.

    You should go with the second name, or pick another nice Islamic name. There's no reason to keep a Hindu name when there's many nice Islamic names to choose from.

  2. Ehsaan is a Muslim name however Ishaan is a Hindu name. So in my opinion it would not be good as it has derived from the HIndu's nevertheless the choice is yours.

  3. The Arabic name you are referring to is "Ihsaan or Ehsaan". This name is unisex and means: perfection, excellence, one who does something beautifully.

    The term is also used in the Islamic Tawhid & Fiq, and means:

    اَنْ تَعْبُدَ اْللّه كَاَنَّكَ تَرَاهُ ، فَاِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ تَرَاهُ فَاِنَّهُ يَرَاكَ

    An ta'budAllaha ka'anaka tarahu, fa'in lam takun tarah fa'inahu yaraka

    That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you don't see Him then truly He sees you

    It's up to you. If you want to adopt a new name (since the other one is a Hindu name), you may consider changing it to Ihssan. It's close to the original name, though I doubt close in meaning.

    Hope this answers your question =]

  4. please visit the site with a lot easy to search either by name or meaning as well

    if you want to search by meaning write down e.g 'light' and select 'by meaning' and then any gender or male gender(as per your requirement). you will surely get one good name :)

  5. its a hindu name. why u wanna keep a hindu name, there are many good muslim names


    ok keep the hindu name, people will be happy and give me thumbs up

  6. Hinduism is 'Ishaan'.

    Muslim is 'Ihsaan'...

    Muslim meaning of the name 'Ihsaan' is Benevolence / Charity.

    Advisable to have a name of Muslim origin...

    This creates a sense of attachment towards the origin of Islam, and indicates that you are a Muslim!

  7. It's a Hindu name, and I would strongly recommend you to keep a Muslim name. I just feel Ishaan wouldn't be right.  

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