
Is it 'normal' to be cold ALL the time?

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Now that it's summer, it's been getting up in the 90's around the house, yet I'm still cold. I sit under my big comforters all day long, FULLY clothed. My mum always freaks out when I do that, because everyone else is burning up..but me.

I'm not sure if my height age or weight will have anything to do with this, but I'll be 16 when September ends, I weigh about 97 lbs and I stand about 5'2 feet tall.

Is there something wrong with me?





  1. Nope, some women and girls have this problem.  My sister and nieces are perfect examples of this, they live in the Southern part of the US and are cold even in the summer so they wear sweaters, long sleeves and have heavy blankets at night.  So you aren't weird. The only time to really worry is if you have a fever that accompanies these symptoms, that is when you should take this problem to the doctors.  Otherwise, it is just part of your normal metabolism.  Hope this helps!

  2. You could just have low iron level.  This can cause anemia, which in turn can cause you to be cold a lot.  You can take vitamin supplements, or iron pills to help.  If it gets to the point of becoming uncomfortable or just annoying, I would recommend seeing a doctor just to set your mind at ease.

  3. It is true that less muscle mass makes it harder for the body to hold heat but....If you haven't already, I would have your thyroid levels checked. Being cold is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism. Yes most people with this problem also have a weight problem but not always.

  4. I am like that naturally and feel the cool easily. If you are concerned go to your doctor and have a blood test you might have low iron levels or have low blood pressure. I don't think it is serious.

  5. First of all, it has nothing to do with muscle or fat. (I have a friend who is 5'5" and only 99lbs during a good month who is always active, and cannot build muscle very well, or gain fat. She is always cold.)

    It has to do with low metabolism, diet, and/or circulation. If you're cold, DO NOT sit inside under blankets and make it more work for your body to heat up the bedsheet, quilts, etc or your clothes. You waste precious body heat and energy that way.

    Your best bet, in summer, is to sit outside in the sunshine for a few minutes every day, go for a run or a swim or something active to get your blood pumping. Another bit of advice is to turn the air conditioning down a few notches so it's not freezing you, but is still okay to everyone roasting in your household.

    I can relate to this. I'm just the same. I freeze all year long because I am not particularly active, and have poor circulation.

  6. i dont know

    i have the same problem i'm 5'7 and 50kg but i just cant put on weight as much as i try and i'm always cold and sick, apparently its a metabolism problem i don't quite understand, but i would speak to a doctor, i am on a whole load of protein supplements to help me put on weight and i had low iron which was apparently linked the the temperature abnormalities.

  7. im really thin too and im cold all the time. you dont have as much body fat as others do which is why your cold all the time and they aren't.  

  8. some people are naturally cold blooded but just in case make sure youre eating right (take a multivitamin!)

    and try to build some muscle, although to me your weight seems fine...

    please answer mine!;...

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