
Is it Advantageous to switch lanes in a traffic jam? or should u just stick with the lane your in?

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Sometimes i feel as if changing lanes works out, but other times it seems i get in a longer, slower lane. I was wondering if there may have been studies to clarify this issue.




  1. I don't really think they can study that but if (EVERYONE) would stay in the lane they are already in and stay there it wouldn't take as long to get through it anyway....

  2. From personal observation, as a truck driver who has traveled 48 out of the 50 states, & has been caught in traffic jams in many states, switching lanes to get ahead by 1 or 2 spaces makes traffic jams all the worst because drivers behind them have to slam on their brakes & that slows everyone else down.  

    Best thing to do is have patience, pick a lane away from the ramps (usually the middle).  Practice defensive driving by keep your spacing, so you can stop in time, & watch your signs to know if there are problems ahead or your exit is coming.  If someone jumps in front of you, just hang back, let the fool try to get ahead.  Most of the time, you end up behind the person who cut you off with a lot less stress.  Stay in your chosen lane until it is blocked/ends or you are about 1-2mi before your exit, then begin moving over to your ramp.  It makes everyone elses commute much easier & keeps your stress level down.

  3. well changing lanes is a big cause of the flow problem to start with and really theres no need in trying to get anywhere fast just sit and wait now if you sit there  for a few minutes and the other lane is moving and yours is not then maybe

  4. I'd say it depends what lane you're in.  Say you're in a 5 lane highway an traffic enters the highway from the right, and a quarter mile ahead there's an exit, chances are the jamming is going to be most severe in the 2 right lanes.  If your exit is further down the road, I'd say the best bet is to stick to the middle or the side furthest from exits/on-ramps.

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