
Is it BAD for you to eat TOO MUCH Bananas???

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bananas are good for you, and they are relatively cheap for where i live. im a student and was wondering whether there are bad things about eating too many bananas...





  1. I read that they attract mosquitoes. Watch out?  

  2. I doubt it.  They are one of the more higher calorie fruits, but I don't think it would be that big of a deal.  You can have too much potassium and that would cause problems, but I suppose it depends upon how much you weigh, how many bananas you are eating and so on...

  3. They can constipate you, other then that nothing bad for you a great source of potassium.

  4. its like any other food, eat to much of it and it can become a problem but one of two a day is perfectly fine, just remember to eat other stuff to :)

  5. id say no.  but anything in excess cant be good.  plus u need some variety.  but if ur an athlete bananas are one of the best things to eat before a workout.  

  6. Considering a medium size banana is about 200 calories, I'd start counting. When they are ripe they contain more sugars than anything else, so they are healthier before they get to that stage.

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