
Is it BAD to do weed?

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like 1/2 of the people at my school do weed (or so my friends tell me) and I thought I went to a nice school. Is it bad to do weed? they think its like smoking a cigarette. I'm not saying they do it or i am going to but i want to know what does it do to you?




  1. No, it is not bad to smoke weed. It is in fact much healthier for you than smoking a cigarette. It has been proven that their has never been a recorded death for smoking marijuana. It has been proven to actually stop the growth of tumors (especially tumors related to lung cancer). Humans have been consuming it since ancient times and just recently in the 1920's it was considered harmful because of pressures on the government to make it illegal due to the amount of Mexicans in the country. In all, it is NOT bad to smoke weed and if you make it into tea it is one of the best things you can consume for your cardiovascular health! The people who say it "kills" you have probably never researched it one but and are basing their opinions on the government funded ads.

  2. okay... so the person below is totally wrong ( i am not a pothead ) . There are no cases of people dying from weed.. NONE! It is actually much better for you than cigarettes and can reverse the cancer effects from cigarettes if you smoke it reguarly. One of my close family members used weed when they had leukemia as an 18 year old. Now they are still living at 44. However if you smoke a lot of weed ( every day use) then it will repeatedly destroy a chemical in your brain (which is renewed every week which is why its okay to smoke occasionally) and you will start acting like a pothead. This can be reversed though if you simply stop smoking so much weed. Definately take a look at the source below

  3. no you should not because you are under age  

  4. It's not good is it, smoking a cigarette isn't good either really is it?

    What a c**p excuse, "It's ok, it's just like smoking a cigarette". Oh well that's ok then.

    Yes it's bad, don't fall for anyone's stupid excuses, people on here are going to tell you it's ok because people who smoke weed or tobacco are always in denial - remember this. They will defend they're addiction with excuses and false facts.

    I study human biology and the effects of alcohol, drugs etc, and my Mum has to deal with a lot of people who have gone too far with weed at the hospital she works in.

    My boyfriend is a policeman and has to deal with far too many idiots who have smoked weed for far too long.

    I have given up on all my friend's who started smoking weed - when they were stoned it was like talking to an old person. They couldn't concentrate, became a different person, couldn't be bothered doing anything, started forgetting everything, and the weed was far more important than our friendship.

    They're speech slowly became slurred, permanently. They had no money and were getting in trouble with dealers and police.

    It's bad in pretty much every way I can think of.

  5. It is a drug and can really mess with your brain chemicals. It can also cause birth deformities in your children later in life.  

  6. Basically it wreaks havoc on every part of your body. It will eventually kill you. Stay away! If you are smart and value your health and mind stay away from drugs!

    Short-term effects of marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety.These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with marijuana.A user may also experience dry mouth and throat.

    Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations.Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.

    It is also illegal. Don't do it! By asking this you hesitated, good for you!

  7. The substance it self won't hurt you phsyically, but the lifestyles you may choose to lead might.  I find it sad how stupid a lot of people are on yahoo, it doesn't kill braincells or anything like that.  It's really not that bad, read up on some research on a site like  Definitely not the end of the world if you smoke, and it wont ruin your life if you can just have self control so you don't smoke every day type of thing.  The only problem you'll ever really have with marijuana is if you smoke a lot you'll develop a cough or if you're always stoned in class and can't concentrate.

    To answer your question directly: It isn't bad to do weed, they're still perfectly nice people and it wont make them stupid, unhealthy, or die any younger.  I wouldn't be prejudice towards it, it's really not that bad.

  8. Of course it is bad to do weed.

    It kills brain cells. 0_x.... Seriously DO NOT SMOKE IT. Don't listen to the people that say "Oh, It's the best thing in the world!" Weed also makes you want to eat more, which in turn makes you gain weight. And of's illegal. ;]
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