
Is it Faster to run the way anime characters on Naruto do?

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not sure =S




  1. my cousin does it (but his only 5)

    but whether he does it or not his is really fast

  2. I tried that once when I was running and it didnt really make that much of a difference, it didnt make me faster or slower, just the same. If you try it maybe it will be different for you!


  3. Try it.

  4. LOL, I've tried that. It doesn't work...much.

  5. I've always wondered why they run like that on Naruto when it doesn't make any sense that it could make them faster. Who knows...

  6. Definitely not. It actually kind of slows you down, I think. (based on experience)

    Running like the Olympians would be more correct.

  7. I don't think so. Run the way those olympians do

  8. no,

    but u can increase ur reflexes so that u react fast.

  9. Hmm if you focus some chakra sometime to the feet then you can have SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!

    Hehe was joking. My character was Sasori's dad and was a jounin. Sorry but if I was a ninja i would just run normaly not to waste chakra. IT'S SOOOOOOOOO FAR YA KNOW?!

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