
Is it GOOD to be 'Number One' in the World for Singapore? in what we are doing.?

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We have many No.1 in our performances. Must we carry on like that ? What will other nearby countries think?




  1. If number 1 is our own personal goal, then yes, it is good because it is well, our goal. It shouldn't come from society pressure and stuff. But Singapore is like any other Asian countries, they strive for the best. E.g Japan and China

    Nearby countries could get jealous and start being sore eyed but that only shows that they are just being ridiculous or plain immature because they didn't or have not strive as hard and as well.

    We could carry on like this, why not? With various no1s in Singapore, we could walk our way towards a cosmopolitan society. We still have our own individualistic side and wouldn't go all dead just because we aren't good enough.

  2. singapore has a small land area, absolutely zero percent of natural resources, and we are not even dependent on ourselves for something as essential as water.

    if we are not no.1 for some things, then we can kiss all of our current luxuries goodbye

  3. YES!!! we MUST be #1 in everything we do, if not, than the tax payers money will be wasted and MORE taxes will be used to reach that #1 goal.

    Singapore is #1 in a few things in the world, we have NO CHOICE but to follow the law. Remember, as long as Singapore has the ISD law, if we do not comply with the government on any issue, they'll come to your house at 3-4am in the morning, and that will be the last anyone will here of u for at least the next 20 years.

    So we must do all we can to reach #1, so the government got face, and when they have face, we will have more freedom as compared to our neigbouring countries.

  4. it's all bullshit

  5. times its kinda lonely being at the top....especially when the expectations are when u trip...people see it as a big the pressure and stress is always there to maintain...which may lead to paranoia and kiasuism....and stress is not always good to be at the top or being number 1 all the time.......

  6. government propoganda

  7. If I knew what kind of performances you are talking about, I could answer.  I do know Singapore is #1 in law and order, obsessively so.

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