
Is it God's fault for creating Hitler who bring about tremendous suffering during his era?

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The fundamental question SHOULD BE :

Since God is charge of everything, why would some devoted & holy Christians blame others when things crop up?

Yes, it is fair to say being judgmental is what's in our human nature and not even the most holy and devoted Christians are spared.

But there is no excuse if one is determined to be an imitator of Christ in the hope he/she could join Him in His eternal kingdom after death.

Since God is in control of everything and nothing can happen if he hasn't allowed for His own reason and the good for all, when Christians blame others, doesn't they effectively blame God for allowing these to happen?

A classic example might be Hitler case in World War 2, is there a greater good or bad that came out of this?




  1. Um...No its Hitlers falt for giving in and acting on desires from Satan. Simple.

  2. First of all, Hilter's parents were the one's that took the first step into his coming into existance on this earth. Hitler fell into Satan's grasp... and was a very powerful tool for Satan. Sad thing. He was such a "good" leader in a sense, and he could have used his talent for doing that much good, instead of evil.  

  3. its gods fault for everything cause god created it all and controls it all.

    atleast thats what all those religious god believing people say...most dont even realize what they are saying. I wish more people had the logic to piece it all together.

  4. I feel like if we're going to blame someone in that whole equation of yours I'm going to go ahead and blame hitler.

    Im not relgious.. but Im pretty sure that god supposedly sticks us here and we are then responsible for our own choices.

  5. Listen, get up and walk across the room where you are if you're able; who decided to do that?  You or God?  Stop blaming God for what people do!

  6. free will ....can't blame God for the foolish choices of a moron.

    What abut you ? Are you still blaming God for YOUR unwise choices .....?

  7. God allows us to do as we please because we were given free agency, the ability to choose good or evil, and an innate ability to tell the difference between the two. We will then be held accountable for our actions after death--he is a loving, but a just god.

  8. God has a plan for everyone, except for evil people... I'm starting to see a pattern in history.  

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