
Is it Haraam to Dream about Commiting a Sin without having the intention to do so ?

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I hope not !!

Thanks in Advance




  1. pretty sure NO.

    lol its a dream !

  2. How can u day-dream without having the intention. as ur thoughts are all voluntary and in ur control u should not "think" about commiting a sin.

    otherwise if u speak about dreams, the following tradition would give u the answer:- Imams Al-Tirmizi, Ibn-Majah and Al-Nasaei narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said: "The Pen has been lifted from three: from the one who is sleeping until he wakes up, from the child until he reaches the age of puberty, and from one who is insane until he comes to his senses."

  3. Everything is Haram in Islam. If your miserable and unhappy then you know its Halal, but if its something that you enjoy, know its haram

  4. a sin is only counted when is actually performed. but if you intend to do something good and you cant do it for some reason then you get some sawab still for you good intentions

  5. What you do while sleeping is not recorded because you have no control over it

  6. Mr. Salman is right

  7. asalaam aleykum, i use to thing the same thing but if you read in the hadith it says that allah will write down a good deed if you just think it and if you do the good deed he will write it down as more. if you think about about a bad deed allah writes it down as a good deed but if you do that bad deed then of course it is written as a bad deed.

  8. No!!

    dream means not real life!!

    OK, if you plan for a Sin and you don't commit it, then it is not a sin!!

    but you if plan for a good deed, and you didn't do it,  you still can earn ajar => hassnat!!

  9. It would be Makrooh to have Intention of doing sin..

  10. It's haram to be a muslim.

  11. why should it be????

  12. hi,its not haraam,when you sleep ,you are not control for your brain and mental even your body,dream is not reality and doing a unreal work is not harram,you care when you are wake dont think about haraam.good luck.

  13. Of course its not Haram....

  14. are you waiting for us to legitimize your hidden unitentional intentions.

    sorry I cant do that.  

  15. No its Not Haram !!

  16. Saints in their dreams do what the evil do in their lives. No problem unless you felt it will develop to an action.

  17. No its not !!!!!!!!!

    @ Faraz : Nice one.........  Lolzzzz !!!!!!

  18. If its a dream , no its not haram, cause u arent in control of ur dream.. if u are imagining it purposely..then yes its haram..

  19. No

    I get Ranoush (Rana) in my dream.

    @ Ninja & Ducky

    I do not have control while awake. I think nobody has full control while awake.

  20. It isnt haram to dream bout commiting sin in ur sleep but as u are talking bout day dreaming then hmm then it's like imagining things or thinkin right and i guess that's haram..

  21. No lol, i asked and the shiekh said you are allowed to have an imagination!! So day dream on bro!!! lol

  22. that does it..

    that really takes the cake..

    i think i just lost all hope for this forum..

    good luck!

  23. if you start thinking about do it, and didnt do it that means not a crime,

    to think or imagine that doing some thing Haram is not that big deal, the big deal is to start doing it, suppose your are imagining that you are with a woman, it is not haram, if it is stayed in your mind, if you did and start the action it is haram then

    hope  i could explain it good way

  24. First of All is Ur Dream in Ur control ? can U dream while u r slipping  and see what ever U want??  let me know the trick Lol

    If u r dreaming awake so U should not think some thing not allowed 4 u    

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