
Is it Haram for Muslims to be involved in sporting activities?

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In a Yahoo News item,, 16 Chinese policemen were blown up by Muslim extremists. The news article doesn't elaborate as to the motive. I am wondering if it's because of the Olympic Games that are starting over there this week, or if it's just typical everyday terrorist shenanigans. In the U.S. there are Muslims that have been westernized and activley involved in sporting activies, but terrorists are unable to be effective in this country because of Homeland Security. Can anyone shed some light on this?




  1. I don't know exact answer, but the Taliban must have. Afterall we only live so many years, all that training going into a worthless sport would be a waste of time.

    Spend time in Allah's worship, it would be much more rewarding.

    Running after or being chased by a little bride or riding a horse is not testimony to competitive sports.

  2. It is not haraam to get involved in sporting activities as it is very healthy and for our own well-being but also take into consideration modesty so for women to expose their bodies and broadcast it on national TV...not such a good idea this doesn't mean that they can't do sport or leisure activities...sure they can while also practiving modesty.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  3. the prophet raced with aisha (RA)

    use some sense here, Allah only forbids things that are unescessary. That doesnt mean that everything that is unescessary is forbidden but it means that everything that is forbidden is unecessary everything is halal, everything in this world has been made for us to enjoy except that which is haram.

    How can playing a sport, be in anyway destructive or harmful for the human? i think you should think before you ask because now a whole bunch of lazy people out there will just read the report and form yet another biased, unture mindset about islam.

    edit: yes when women play sports that exploit their bodies, then that is haram, however, if they have their own private field/track that is supervised and protected by other women, then its 100% okay. But i bet half the women wouldnt show up because the main reason they play the sport (eg. pole dancing) would be to show off their bodies.

  4. Nopes It Not Ha ram ! Only In saudi Arabia Women are not allowed to take part in Sports ! Prime Example is u wont see any saudi Women in  Olympics !

  5. Nope not haram..  

  6. china is in occupation of east turkestan. thats which the seperatists blew up the chinese popo

  7. As much as it is obligatory for Christians to blow up abortion clinics, throw Nukes on civilians and rape and kill Iraqi children.

  8. It's only haram if it involves wearing clothes that are prohibited in Islam for either males or females.

  9. Great answers you have here. "Why did Muslims kill Chinese"? "Well, it's the fault of the US, West, Christian, Jew, Santa Clause..". answer to your question...this terrorism is due to the Chinese occupation of part of Turkestan. The terrorists want the whole world to protest the Olympics, so they decide to kill innocent people to scare people away. As far as Muslims in sporting activities such as the Olympics, most "Islamic countries" don't allow women to compete and the Olympics doesn't want this, there is a deadlock. Doesn't matter much because most "Muslim countries" don't have much teams or chance anyway. It would be nice though for the athletes (men and women) to be able to compete like they want to. I saw a show...there are many Muslim women who want to compete, but aren't allowed. The I.O.C. has said that Saudi Arabia for instance MUST send women in 2012 or they will not be allowed to compete at all. Peace.

  10. Islam allows Sports not as an amusement ,If sport is for amusement then there is nor permisibility of Sports.Instead it should have a reasonable benefit i.e physical health etc..

    (a) Horse Riding

    Allâh (Azza wa jall) says in the Holy Qurân: "And (He created) horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride and as an adornment...(Al Quraan 16:8)

    Uqbah bin Âmir reported that the messenger of Allâh (Azza wa jall) said: Everything with which a man plays is unlawful except his shooting with arrows, and his training his horse, and his sporting with his wife; and verily these are of the truths. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawoo,Ibn Majah)

    The Holy Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said: "There is blessing in the forelocks of horses."(Ahmad)

    (b) Archery

    Hazrat Uqbah Bin Âmir (Radiallâhu anhu) also narrates that he heard Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) saying:

    "Whoever gives up archery after having learnt it, is not of us..."(Muslim)

    On another occasion, the Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) once passed by a group of his Companions who were competing in archery. He encouraged them saying, "Shoot and I am with you."(Bukhari)

    (c) Swimming

    Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) said: "Teach your sons swimming and archery and teach your daughters sewing."(Baihaqi)

    With regard to the participation of the Sahaba in the above activities, the jurists write:

    a. "Anything done simply for futile pleasures or merely 'for fun' has no basis in Shariah as every action of a believer is orchestrated by the supreme command of Allâh and orientated towards attaining His pleasure only. And it is the culmination and perfection of faith wherein the servant attains pleasure only in fulfilling the command of His Master and his heart ingests and aspires at all times to ascertain the command of Allâh. When this becomes second-nature within man, then all his pleasures are converted and directed accordingly.

    Hence, the encouragement of Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) to the Sahaba and their participation in such activities was not to appease their personal motives or to derive any worldly pleasures thereby, but to gain the pleasure of Allâh and strive to fulfil His command and physically and mentally prepare for the propagation thereof in every way possible, even though it meant laying down their lives for it, which they practically demonstrated to mankind."

    b. "The racing, wrestling and archery which Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) encouraged should not be viewed as sport in the way people of this time understand sport. Since these were activities associated with Jihad, he encouraged them."

    c. "Their primary objective was to prepare themselves for Jihâd and the worldly benefits were secondary."

    d. "For this, on the basis of Hadith, the Ulema have stated that horse-racing, donkey-racing, mule-racing and human race competitions should be held with the intention of preparing for jihad. This is mustahab (praiseworthy) and for this, one will be recompensated. Similarly, sword-fighting, archery and in today's times, practising with modern weapons like firearms, machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, submarines, planes, etc. on land, sea and air, and the time and money spent on them will gain recompense, provided the intention is for jihad. If such exercises and competitions are held and prizes are given so that people are more and more induced to be ready for defending and protecting their religion and country, or one-sided bets are offered, it is all permissible; i.e. he who completes the race first or excels others in a competition will be given a prize. However betting from both sides is not permissible, it is haram."(8)

    (d) Footracing

    The Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) himself raced with his wife. Hazrat Ayesha said: "I raced with the Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and beat him in the race. Later when I had put on some weight, we raced again and he won. Then he said, 'This cancels that', referring to the previous occasion."(Ahmad, Abu Dawood)

    Regarding this Hadith the jurists write:

    a. "The Hadith regarding Nabi's (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) race with Hazrat Aishah (R.A) cannot be cited as a basis for encouraging sport because in his entire life, Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) raced with her only on two occasions. When he did so, he instructed the others to leave the place so that the race could take place in privacy."

    b. "The Hadith relating that Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) ran a race with Hazrat Aishah R.A. once while they were on a journey wherein Hazrat Aisha R.A. outshone Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and sometime later wherein Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) beat her to the draw was a manifestation of the affectionate bond of love that existed between them and how matrimonial rights should be conducted as discussed under the chapter of Conjugal Rights and Intimacy between husband and wife in the books of Hadith. And this is actually a practical demonstration of another Hadith wherein Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) had reiterated:

    'Every such engagement of man which entails play and amusement is null and void except archery, training one's horse and playing with one's wife, for these things constitute righteousness.' "

    c. "As for the race with Ayesha (Radiallâhu anha), this is narrated only by her and no other Sahâbi (Radiallâhu anhu). This makes it obvious that this was in absolute privacy. Actually this race was not in the form of some sport. Rather, it was more in the form of playfulness and a manner of mirthful activity as is common in a healthy husband and wife relationship. If one practices this sunnah in the same manner (i.e. in absolute privacy) with one's wife, by all means. However, it cannot be used to justify the indulgence in modern day sports.

    (e) Wrestling

    The Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) once wrestled with a man called Rukanah who was well-known for his strength, throwing him down more than once. (Abu Dawood).

    This Hadith has been explained as follows:

    "The Hadith mentioning Rasulullah's wrestling with Rukanah is not encouragement for sport because the event took place at the request of Rukanah who wanted to ascertain whether Muhammed (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) was a Nabi or not. Rasulullah's victory over Rukanah was by way of Mu'jizah. This Hadith is not an encouragement for sport."

    Relaxing the Mind and Body

    At the outset, it is important to outline the Islamic stance on relaxation. With regard to relaxing the mind and body, there seems to be a general consensus amongst the different Ulama. The following are the views of four prominent South African jurists:

    a. "Says the Qurân: 'Undoubtedly it is only through the Remembrance of Allâh that the hearts find contentment and satisfaction.' Ar-Ra'ad verse 28.

    Says the Hadith: 'And your body also has a right over you." Bukhari

    Hence to relax the body and mind and to maintain its physical well-being has been acceded to in Shariah, however, remaining within the limits of Shariah thereby and without exceeding the bounds and not engaging in any such activity which will make one unmindful and heedless of Allâh."

    b. "Islam recognizes that Allâh has created human beings with needs and desires, so that, as they need to eat and drink, they also need to relax. The following incident substantiates that in Islam there is a time and place for everything permissible. Hazrat Hanzalah (R.A) states: Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) met me and asked, "How are you, Hanzalah?" I replied, "Hanzalah has become a hypocrite." He said, "SubhanAllâh! What are you saying?" I replied, "When we are with Allâh's Messenger (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam), he mentions the Fire and the Garden until it is as if we can see them. But when we leave Nabi's (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) company and play with our wives and children or busy ourselves with our properties, we forget much." Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) said, "By Allâh, I have experienced the same thing." He and I then went to visit Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and I said, "O Messenger of Allâh (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam), when we are with you, you talk about the Fire and Garden until it is as if we can see them. Then we go out and play with our wives and the children and deal with our properties, and we forget much. Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) then said, "By Him in Whose Hands is my soul, if you were to continue at the same level at which you were when with me in remembering Allâh, the angels would shake hands with you when you are resting and when you walk about, but, O Hanzalah, there is a time (for this) and time (for that)." He repeated this phrase three times. (Mishkat pg.197-198)

    Hazrat Ali (R.A) said: "Minds get tired as do bodies, so treat them with humour" and "Refresh your minds from time to time, for a tired mind becomes blind."

    Pastimes are permissible provided that they provide the participant with relaxation and exercise and at the same time none of the laws of Shariah are compromised eg. dress, intermingling of sexes, gambling and betting etc."

    c. " terms of the Shariah, it is permissible for Muslims to relax the mind and body provided it does not interfere with the basic obligatory and compulsory Islamic duties placed upon him/her. However it is declared Makrooh (abominable) in Shariah to engage in meaningless pastimes."

    d. "Relaxing the body and mind are not just permissible; they are a requirement. The reason is obvious. With a refreshed body and  

  11. No it is not haram to be involved in sporting activities. Don't mix politics with religion.

    Now that we are talking violence, it would be nice if the US would do something against Israeli terrorism in the Palestinian lands. That would be a real step forward.

  12. first of all the link doesn't work and stop making up bunch of nonsense


    no it's NOT haram for Muslims to be involved in sporting activites.

    EDIT: ARE just 2 full of yourself...give it up

  13. It's not only "westernized Muslims" who enjoy sports. There are professional sports teams all over over the world, including countries that have a predominately Muslim population. In some of those countries futbol (soccer), cricket and rugby are especially popular.

    When girls play sports in the west where uniforms may be too revealing, they just adapt their clothing. For example, girls who play basketball will wear sweats/warmups/track suit or whaever you want to call it, and a long sleeve T-Shirt underneath the shorts and tank of the standard basketball uniform, along with their hijab.

    If she wants to ice skate, for example (popular in the north where I live), she wears like long yoga pants and long sleeved top with hijab, instead of the skimpy leotard type things many skaters wear.

    Some hijab are made specifically for sporting, out of the same fabrics used in sportswear, and meant to fit a little closer about the neck so there isn't excess fabric to get caught up or pulled on when playing.

  14. yep the religion of peace is showing its friendly face once again.

  15. you said it - shenanigans..

    some stupid political messing around..

    god does not forbid people from taking part in sporting activities..

  16. Well actually, you don't have to be westernized in order to enjoy sports, or anything that is NOT related to religion. That's strange to hear, because Pakistan is well known for cricket, so are a few other Muslim countries, Iraqis enjoy soccer, Afghans enjoy something called Buzkashi..Every country is typically known for it's sport and I don't see terrorists threatening the Pakistani cricket teams, or any other regional sport that I can think of. Yes, the only reason I can think of the olympics being in danger is because of the huge crowd, that's like an invitation card for these criminals because they can destroy more lives in one shot. But no, sports isn't against Islam as long as it doesn't stray you from Islam or pursuade you to do something unislamic. If anything, sports is a form of exercise, and it's good for your health. Islam is against the mutilation of one's body, or causing bodily harm such as with tattoos or anything of that nature. But anything that is GOOD for your body is ok with Islam as long as you don't corrupt your faith in the process.

    Our local Imam is a good basketball player, and thousands of people look up to him. Trust me, if somebody wants to kill they'll kill. Murder happens everyday in America... homeland security can't prevent every crime.  

  17. sports are halal in islam, dont worry buddy

  18. No not haram

  19. Islam teaches that you should keep your body in good physical health.  The Prophet (sa) himself is known to have raced his wife on more than one occasion.  Many of his disciples were skilled riders too.  There is nothing haraam about improving your physical health.

    love for all, hatred for none

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