
Is it Henman Hill or Murray Mound?

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Is it Henman Hill or Murray Mound?




  1. i think it should always be called henman hill.murray mount just doesnt have the same ring to it

  2. Henman Hill

  3. Should call it Losers Lawn.

  4. u cannot be serious,its second place slope!

  5. How about Henman Hill and Murray Mound!!! :P

  6. It will always be Henman Hill.

  7. how about chris eaton

  8. Henman Hill....always!!!

    It's not fair to take it back, is it?

  9. It should be who ever has won Wimbledon, so at the moment neither choice.

    All I can do is thank god I don't have to hear "come on Tim" being shouted in high pitched voices again.

  10. As a Murray fan I say it should be Henman Hill, it has a good ring to it and they should leave it be : )

  11. henman

  12. Well since Henman is now commentating for the BBC, i'd say Murray Mound.

    Place names change frequently, Stalingrad for example.

    You don't hear anyone cheering on John Motson now do you.

  13. It'll always be Henman Hill, even though he's retired! It's a tradition at Wimbledon, like strawberries and cream!

  14. Henman's Hill,

    but now it is Murray's Mound apparently, stupid to change it though!

  15. It used to be Henman's Hill, but now it is Murray's Mound.  The british public appear very fickle!  What will it be next I wonder. LOL

    Edit:  In my book it will always be, 'Henman know, the one they now call, Murray Mound.'

  16. Henman's Hill..can't just change the name 'cos he's retired...always and forever his!

  17. It's Murray Mound.

  18. It's a bit of grass that people sit on to watch tennis - if we are going to change it every time a new player comes along it will get very boring...

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