
Is it Illegal for a restuaraunt to make a server pay for a walk-out?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering, I have 2 serving jobs, one makes us pay, one doesnt. Paying sucks, once i had to pay 68$ out of my own tips because stupid drunk people walked out!




  1. Where I work currently they try to make us pay for this sort of thing.  I would refuse to pay for someone elses food when they walked out.  Since its illegal for those people to walk out its best to try to call the cops at least to have a police report.  its better if your restaurant has cameras, but most don't.

  2. Its not illegal but immoral!

  3. I would think it would be illegal--unless the server is paid a commission for each customer who does pay. However, this would probably be a state law, so you should contact your state's Dept. of Labor.

  4. I have seen other servers where I work have to pay. Fortunately I have never had that happen to me. But I think it is legal. Just like clerks at convenience stores have to pay for gas drive offs.

  5. at the restaurant i work at, our managers can not make us pay for it. i thought it was illegal, but maybe it varies place to place. what i would do if i were you, is ask the place that doesn't make you pay for it. ask them if they know if it's legal or not. or just ask them why they don't make you pay for the walk-outs.

    it's ridiculous for a server to have to pay for stupid, inconsiderate thieves. and technically, you're not supposed to chase after,  hmmm

  6. at the place where i waitress if someone walks out we put it under house charge.

  7. in Canada it is illegal to charge staff for walk outs

    if it happened repeatly then you would probably be let go though.

  8. It really depends, I'm sure its not exactly legal-but then again, are you really going to call them on it if you want to keep your job (which incidentally doesn't sound worth keeping) I worked in the restaurant industry for over 5 years, at Olive Garden for two, and I had walk outs and was never made to pay.And like another person said, they usually train you, at least in chain restaurants, that you arent supposed to chase after them outside and try to get payment (either tip or for the check).  It is ridiculous to expect a server on a busy night  to be in two places at once ,and if the restaurant has no other security measures i.e. a camera system or hosts that check for payment, you really cant be held responsible-especially if you are trying to take care of a filled station and things in the kitchen are taking longer then they should be.. If its happened many times to you, then maybe you could be, as that sort of smacks of inattentiveness and not doing  your perhaps the table got tired of waiting for you and left out of frustration (although in my opinion they could still make an effort to pay for their food and just not leave a tip).  However, generally, its not  your responsiblilty -unfortunately restaurants get away with many violations of the law when it  comes to how they treat their workers.. My advice: look around for a better place. And after you leave, call your state agency , perhaps the Better Business Bureau or another agency and  file a complaint about them.

  9. I would think it should be bc its not your food! I mean Im a waitress n if my boss made me pay for a meal i'd be pissed...You should lokk it up on the internet

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