
Is it Legal what My boss was doing?

by Guest44835  |  earlier

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I just turned 16 and I got a job at Camilles Canine Cuts. I worked there from 8-9 to 8-13 of this year.

My first day was "training" and I wasn't even supposed to be paid so she says, but she gave me 15 dollars for working 5 hours.

The next day the shop was supposed to be closed and I went up there to take care of dogs anyways. I didn't get paid for that.

On Tuesday. Yesterday. I worked all morning from 730 to 1 by myself on my first business day. She said she couldn't come in because she had personal errands to run. I got off work at 6 PM. 11 and 1/2 hours and she pays the day after I do the work, but she was only going to pay me 30. Which was only 25% of the sales I made.

Today she again left me at work all alone until 1 PM. I called her whenever a customer came in and wanted their dog back. So I called to ok the situation. My boss said do not release the dog. Whenever the lady said she was going to call the cops my boss blamed the whole situation on me. That is when I blew up. I told her Im not working for free and it pretty much went downhill from there.

Is it legal for her to pay me 30 dollars a day for 11 hours of work and plus its ALL under the table.




  1. Under the table work is NEVER legal.  Tell her that she needs to pay you for the time you worked or you will call the IRS and report her.  Then RUN don't walk and get a job that is above board...

  2. NEVER work under the table, period...Of course it's not legal. No taxes are taken out.

  3. in Michigan (check with your states labor board ) ALL hors worked even training gets paid. being as she cant prove you got cash then tell them you got NOTHING. here you are entitled to at least minimum wage. what ever you wind up doing remember you didnt get anything....she is trying to get out of paing into your social security and into unemployment by paying under the table

    if you cant help but be 100% honest you can still claim the difference in the cash you were given and what she owes you

    if you used your cell phone keep your records or if it gets to a court case you can subenea her phone records to demonstrate you had to make calls to her try to write down the times from best of your memory and who the customers are

    shame on her

  4. I read your question twice.  I don't see ANYTHING that is legal in there.  It is probably not worth the effort to sue her for the pay you should have received, but don't go back and report this to your state Attorney General.

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