
Is it Normal to Pass a Car on a Bicycle?

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I recently have been able to pass cars and keep up the speed on my bicycle. Is that just strength, or does everybody here drive really slow?




  1. so here by my house we have main street its a 1/2 mile-1/3 mile long hill thats really steep and the speed limit is like 40 or something and i pas cars all the time and i have bmx bike with no brakes

    yay for drafting lol  

  2. you must ride in a slow neighborhood, because you'd never catch up with my mom. lol.

  3. Its easy to pass cars if your in a downtown metropolitan area. Look at it like this... Car Dealers advertise cars miles per gallon by city and highway. City is usually higher because the car has to push the gas more often due to intersections and dense traffic. But in highway, the car is on a more consistent pace on a freeway or expressway.

    Since you are probably not on the freeway, its natural to beat cars especially when it comes to intersections. People driving defensively are usually breaking or touching the brake when approaching the intersection even though the light is green. But you are either hauling *** or casually riding.

    I constantly beat cars in downtown (San Jose, CA) or turn left before cars go on an unprotected left light signal. Thats because cars treat riders like pedestrians. And since I ride a 10 speed road, drivers are even more aware.  

  4. cars are going slow

  5. Depends on how fast the car is going. I've done that before. You can get going pretty face on a bike.

  6. you need to research your heritage, you may be part superman

  7. Or you've got a kick-@ss kinda bike!


    P.S - Where is "here"?

  8. Either you have the legs of superman, or the people driving have a fear of speed. They are most likely just going slow.. very slow..  

  9. depends on things--if your passing cars on the interstate--that is strength.  If your passing stopped cars in traffic--that's REALLY slow.  its normal depending on what type of bike your riding, and whether there is lots of traffic/lights to slow up cars.  

  10. clearly the cars are going slow!

  11. No, you're just impressive. Try out for the Olymics in 2012.

  12. depends on what the speed limit is where you are passing them. if it's 25..then yeah that's normal..if it's 55 or 65 you're FAST!! lol

  13. Everybody just drives really slow.  Unless the speed limit is like 15 mph or under you are not keeping up to people driving at a normal pace.

  14. It all depends on what speed the car is going at!

    If the car is going at 15mph than yes, it's fine.

    If the car is going at 60mph that is abnormal.

  15. you can keep up with cars if you are healthy fit and strong but some cars are really slow

  16. It depends on the speed limit.  Professional cyclers can keep a constant pace of about 26 or 27 mph.  On a sprint they can get around 40.  Downhill people can really fly since cyclists are not bound by speed limits.

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