
Is it OK for Bush's Supreme Court to Cut benefits for retirees turning 65?

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Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday gave employers a green light to reduce health benefits for millions of retirees who turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare. The justices turned away a legal challenge from AARP, the nation's leading senior-citizens lobby, which had contended the lower benefits for older retirees violated the federal law against age discrimination.

The court's action upholds a rule adopted last year by federal regulators that says the "coordination of retiree health benefits with Medicare" is exempt from the anti-age-bias law.

Advocates for companies and labor unions applauded the outcome.

If the companies are right, what are old people supposed to eat, and where can they afford to live?




  1. 1) It's not "Bush's" Supreme Court.  There are people on that court appointed by many past presidents.

    2) The Supreme court can't pass laws, take actions or "cut benefits."  They can only rule on the legality of such things.

    Educate yourself.  It may not be as bad as you think.

  2. The Supreme Court is not at all tied to Bush

  3. Not sure what you are talking about but the all mighty AARP isn't right about everything you know.

  4. The benefits involved come from total employer-paid health programs. Since the employer paid the tab, he should be able to control how much the pay-out is. Especially when someone becomes eligible for Medicare which both the employer and employee paid into over the years.

    The labor unions are happy because they know that any health plan they negotiate with management is paid for by management. Not by the union.

  5. I think you're asking a good question but in the wrong place.  The rule of law was clear and the Court simply affirmed it.  To address the question of how to help those older citizens who can't afford to live, you need to take your questions/opinions to your elected representatives.  That's where AARP can be a resource to help get the word out.  In short, it's not correct to blame the Court for enforcing the law.  Go back to those who make the laws and ask them to have the political backbone to address the difficult questions.

  6. Yeah.  It is Bush's Supreme Court, since they handed him the presidency the first time around.  And you call these judges?

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