
Is it OK for a 78 year old to still have sexual intercourse?

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or is it taboo for someone that old?




  1. It's OK to do it, just don't tell anyone about it.

    I for one like to keep what I ate in my stomach.

  2. taboos have no place in the bed room especially when self expression is 78 years ripe...yehaa!!!

  3. no, it's not taboo. it's a little uncommon, but not taboo. good for you. there are people half your age that aren't getting any.

  4. It's more than's a miracle!

  5. I hope I live that long, and if I do, I hope I'm getting laid.

  6. Oo it is dangerous and will cause health problems in future

  7. I think its great and hope that I still am having s*x at that age!

  8. at 78 its great, they say it gets better as you age, s**+#t, why not.  

  9. It's fine if it's with that person's spouse and they're open to the possibility of conceiving life.

    God bless!


  10. is 78 year old a he or she?  i read an article the other day and it says that older people enjoy s*x more than when they were in their 20.

    how r they going to have s*x that old?  They can barely move?  Interesting

  11. SURE! go right ahead. I give you permission.

  12. If bingo bores them, sure why not

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