
Is it OK for kids to wear rock band t-shirts to school?

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My son likes listening to Pink Floyd's music (like his dad). I recently got him a PF t-shirt with the "Dark Side of the Moon" cover art (a rainbow being projected through a prism). It's not "in your face"; it just has that image and the band and album name in white letters.

My wife thinks this isn't appropriate for a 7-year-old to wear to school, either because it is a rock band or because it connotes some sort of connection to drugs. My argument is that if other kids can wear "Hannah Montana" shirts to school (my son tells me there are girls wearing these), why can't he express himself the same way?

Note: There's no school policy against wearing t-shirts from rock bands.




  1. It's way better than Hannah. Please tell your wife to relax, there's nothing wrong with it.

  2. Thank you for teaching your son good music!  If he likes pink floyd and wants to wear the shirt I would be proud my kid wants to express his own interest and not try to be like everyone else in the crowd. (a problem most kids have!) Would your wife prefer to send him in pokemon Tshirts?

  3. Wouldnt want to stick a wedge between you and your wife, but from my point of view ABSOLUTELY! Let the kid express him self it not like he wearing a shirt with a pot leaf on it saying "Dont be shy , get high"or anything....

  4. I teach in public school and if the shirt is not offensive then let your child wear it.  My daughter has worn hannah montana, and high school musical, along with Def Leopard.  My son who is 6 has worn greenday.

  5. It's okay as long as it does not have anything offensive on it.

  6. I think it's perfectly okay. Though Pink Floyd had drug references and influence, your son and his friends are too young to know about the history of the band in that effect.

    I know what shirt you are talking about, and in my general opinion, it's absolutely okay for him to wear it.

  7. Hey!

    The only reason the schools allow the kids to wear Hannah Montana shirts to school is because her songs have nothing to do with drugs or anyhting bad also her songs are mostly for the younger kids. As for the shirt you got for your son.. as you said is affliated with drugs etc. and they will not allow them to wear them so that other kids will not get the wrong ipression by the shirts.Most likely the school will make him change into a spare shirt that the school may provide or they may send him home for the day. Sorry its just the way these school policies are.

    Hope i helped.

    p.s--vote this best asnwer

  8. as long as it does not clash with uniform rules why not

    Rock on!!

  9. Becuase uniforms are mandatory... DUHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  10. Just let the kid wear the shirt. There's no problem with it to me.

  11. Sounds harmless to me.  If it's good enough for her kid to wear any other time, it ought to be good enough to wear to school.

  12. there shouldnt be a problem its only a shirt and im highly doubtful your son is on drugs

  13. If there is no school policy and if it is not offensive or suggestive, Rock on and let him/her wear it.  However, if you both (the parents) are in disagreement, come to one and go from there.  Both parents should be in agreement.

  14. If at the age of 7, your son does not know a meaning of a shirt to be anything other than the music he likes, don't draw attention to it.  I do know what you mean though.  The real question is, will someone ask him what the shirt is about and will he be able to answer it properly w/o an attitude.  Probably because of his significance behind the t-shirt.  I say let him wear it but be ready with some answers if someone older gives him information about the true meaning of the shirt.  Once my son heard the song, "The Joker," you know (the toker and midnight smoker) by the Steve Miller Band and wanted to her it every night before going to bed.  I know he likes the sounds ect.  I'm just not sure I want him reciting the words out in public, nor do I want him listening to it before falling asleep.  I now realize I may have to go backwards and explain myself in telling him the meaning of the words and why I don't want him listening to it.

  15. I think any kid can wear rock T-shirts, as long as they're fit to wear. If the school says no, point out the Hannah Montana T-shirts.

  16. I think it is a little ridiculous not let him wear it, but then again, it doesn't matter because I am not  his mother.

  17. I dont see a problem with it as long as the t-shirt does not display morbid images like skulls or weapons like daggers and such.

  18. There is no reason he couldn't wear that shirt. Especially since it was pink floyd, now if it was some group that is known for being hateful rebellious or you know what I mean if it was a bad group than I would understand but Pink Floyd come on there's nothing wrong with that. And the poor child if he can't express himself and wear what he wants (not just mother approved shirts) he will live a sad life.

  19. Then no!

  20. no its fine.... there is nothing on the shirt that would get himint rouble.. the kids and teachers might not even know what it is ( sad isnt it lol ) and your wife may have an issue with the teacher making assumptions about u guys as parents and doesnt want to look bad in the teachers eyes... as maybe a parents who does drugs and listens to pink floyd and are sending him to school with a band tshirt on ... Whatever... a teacher may look at a student who wears Hannah Montana as fine becus thats what kids are into these days but one who wears pink floyd is being tainted at home by his parents.. its all judgemental bullsh*t... i say if he likes it let him wear it...

  21. well, i would actually say pink floydd is a better influence than hannah montannah, her clothes are skimpy and her music is atrocious. he should be able to express himself. pink floydd is really good. its pretty appropriate for a 7 year old. he wont be advertising anything bad.

  22. No, problem as long as it is allowed by the school's dress code.  He should be able to express himself.  Ur wife must not like it, but tell her to get over it.

  23. no because rock music is for the devil

  24. As long as there is nothing bad on the shirt, its fine. I plan on dressing my kinds in my favorite band shirts from the moment they are born on.

  25. h**l yeah let that little dude where the shirt...thats nothing compared to what kids where nowadays....

    I'd have him where it everyday..that'd be cool

  26. I personally do not think T-shirts are appropriate wear for school.  Doesn't matter what they are.  That is for casual, at home, wear.

    I went to a regular (but small) high school and only during the last month of school were we allowed to wear t-shirts and that was because only the science classrooms had air conditioning.

  27. As long as there are no offensive words or pictures, most schools would not have a problem with rock band shirts.  My son (11) wears a Led Zeppelin shirt to school, with no problems.

  28. I think children should dress to impress. It will teach them to always be and look thier best. That will carry over into adulthood in so many ways.

    Really listen to Pink Floyds lyrics and then decide if you want your child to be a walking advertisment of that.

  29. It's definitely okay, if that's what he likes, then that's fine. He doesn't have to know they did drugs and neither do other kids, it's just about enjoying the music, no need to read so deeply into it. There are too many other things to worry about than something like that..

  30. AWESOME! good to know kids are being exposed to decent music these days... I'm actually wearing a darkside of the moon shirt right now...

    As far as you son is concerned, he should be allowed to express himself anyway he wants.  There is nothing offensive about the shirt.  Although most adults are fully aware of the "drug  connotation" associated with Pink Floyd, you have to remember that your son is 7!  He isn't listening to the music because it's about drugs or it sounds good when he's tripping...  he's listening to it because it sounds good to his ears, and if he wants the whole world to know that he thinks Pink Floyd is an awesome band (which they are) then he should be allowed to wear it.  Not allowing him to wear it is going to send a message to your son that something about Pink Floyd is inappropiate, and I don't think that's right.  Your wife is probably worried about how the other PTA mom's are going to perceive her *whisper*  "well, can you believe she let's her son wear a PINK FLOYD T-shirt... I bet she does all kinds of drugs..."  

    I think the kid should be allowed to wear the shirt... but don't let it cause too much conflict with your wife, just try to get her to see things your way!  Good luck!

    By the way... my daughter is three and LOVES Kiss!  So I got her a Kiss shirt and she loves to wear it!

  31. I think there shouldn't be a problem, and personally, I'd absolutely let my 6 year old wear it.

    My husband was a total metal head from a very young age and he's never done drugs a day in his life. Who cares what these bands do in their personal time, it's the music and our appreciation of it that matters.

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