
Is it OK for my puppy to sleep with a fan in her face?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have a 15 week old Yorkie. At night I sleep with a fan on and she loves sleeping near it having the wind hit her face. When she is in the car with me she also likes to have the A/C hitting her face. Is that ok/normal? I don't want her to get sick. I also herd that if her nose gets dry then that means she is sick. Is that true also? Her nose gets dry because of the fan or A/C too. Anyone? Please help!?




  1. Yea it's normal my dog does it to keep cool.  When he's super hot he'll lay on the AC vent for a while.  

  2. Yes, I believe it's normal. I mean I always see dogs hanging out of windows enjoying the breeze. I'm sure if you put the fan on not too high, but at a low setting your yorkie would be fine.

    Dog's noses are suppose to be dry when they're sleeping. I believe that is word for word on what my vet told me.

  3. Ha ha! I have a Viezla (Hungarian hunting dog) and she does the same thing. Personally, there's nothing wrong with it. She'll probably grow out of it.

    If she sleeps in front of the fan, BE CAREFUL! Make sure the fan is secure and won't topple over crushing her in the dead of night.

    Overall, it's completely fine. Keep an eye out for any problems that may associate with her being constantly in front of the fan. And the nose thing is usually just an sign. It doesn't always mean that she's sick

  4. I can't see anything wrong with your dog enjoying the fan.

    A dry nose is NOT a sign of illness.

  5. Um, why wouldn't be ok? It's just moving air.

  6. aww thats cute lol. and no, there isnt anything wrong with that =]

  7. That's normal. Lots of dogs love to have the wind in their face which is why you see so many in cars with their heads out the window. I doubt that sleeping in front of a fan will make her sick. A dry nose is probably just dry from being in front of the fan all night.  I wouldn't worry about it.

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